Work in Progress
What follows below are a number of snippets of information, beguiling pieces of a jigsaw missing the remaining perhaps two thirds, and that is only from the late 1700s. Before then are the dark ages of Irish Mordaunt family history.
This page is regularly added to or corrected as I discover or am given more information. Any information you can provide about your family members, past or present, would be very welcome. Please forward to henry@mordaunt.me.uk.
This page was last amended in July, 2024.
Page Index
A problem with doing any family history research in Ireland is the paucity of the records for all but the wealthiest of families prior to 1864 when the registration of births deaths and marriages was introduced in Ireland. On top of that, all census records prior to 1901 were burnt in the Civil War in 1921. Researchers are limited to whatever other records do survive of which, for land-holding families, the most important are the Tithe Applotment lists (1827 - 1831), the Griffiths (rating) Valuation (1848 - 1863) and surviving church and individual estate records.
Another big problem is that a good proportion of the family in the 1800s could not read or write. Even those who could read and write had no calenders hanging on their wall, they had no radio or TV or daily newspaper to remind them what day or date it was. They would know the season from the weather and the church would tell them of important feasts such as Ash Wednesday and Lent, Easter and Christmas, but they did not/could not keep close track of birth dates and birthdays. They would not have had birthday parties and sent birthday cards every year. So, different records, censuses, marriage of death certificates etc., all have a confusing variety of ages. Hence, I have regularly had to make suggestions, such as "This is possibly the same Mary Mordaunt...." rather than being able to make clear and firm connections.
The good news for Mordaunts is that a number were land-holding and that the name was comparatively rare and so is easy to pick out. The bad news is that closely related families chose all the same few names for their children making separating out who was who extra difficult.
For the serious researcher, there is no substitute for going to the Irish National Record Office in Dublin. However, some records are available via the Internet, including now the Tithe Applotment lists (1827 - 1831), the Griffiths (rating) Valuation (1848 - 1863), the 1901 and the 1911 Ireland censuses.
When did the first Mordaunt settle in Ireland
An Ancestry.co.uk DNA test makes me 49% Leinster Irish. This, I assume, means that my father was 98% Leinster Irish, which by my calculation makes my father one of the 6th (or 7th) generation. Working backwards, his father, Patrick , 5th/6th generation, born 1874. His father, Edward, 4th/5th generation, born 1831/32. His father, Denis, 3rd/4th generation, born 1783. His father, Patrick, 2nd/3rd generation, born who knows when, anything from 1733 to 1760. His father, 1st/2nd generation, anything from 1683 to 1725. 2nd/3rd generation Patrick appears from the scant evidence to be the most senior Mordaunt of his time, suggesting he was a first born, son of a first born. Whatever, it suggests to me that the first Mordaunt came to Wexford in the mid to late 1600s.
The name Patrick Mordaunt appears on a calender of indictments prepared for the September 1709 Middlesex Sessions. For what reason I cannot ascertain but the name Patrick strongly suggests Irish descent, a younger son, maybe, of, maybe, a younger son, trying to make it in the world and going to London to seek his fortune. I imagine, as a minimum , he would be in his 20s and therefore born any time before 1689. If he was first generation, would a 100% English father give his son such a clear Irish name? Or maybe he was named after his wife´s father. Will we ever know? Whatever, again it suggests Mordaunts were in Ireland by or around the mid 1600s
What took the Mordaunts to Ireland
The other pages on this site relate how the Mordaunts were part of the Norman invasion of England and were known to have established themselves by 1197 in Bedfordshire. At some time, one or more of the younger sons of some branch of the family made their way to Ireland. In the Griffiths 'Valuation of Tenements' (1848 - 1863) are named a Cath. Mordaunt (widow of George), Cath. (widow of Patrick), Denis, Ellen, Michael and Stephen Mordaunt in County Wexford, Luke Mordaunt in Dublin and Judith Mordaunt in County Wicklow. This did not include poorer, non-landholding Mordaunts living in lodgings. Given the preponderance of Mordaunts in Wexford it seems that the family settled here first. Whether Luke in Dublin was part of this family or a separate arrival, I do not know.
It is frustrating not being able to find how this group, descended from the Norman French invaders of England of 1066 ended up as tenant farmers in County Wexford, but while I have not found when, who, why and how Mordaunts settled in Ireland, there was, historically, a substantial movement of Catholic English emigrants to Ireland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Given the number of Mordaunt family groups in County Wexford in the late 1700s, it does suggest the family had been settled there for several generations and it is a possibility that they were part of that same historic movement and so the reasons for it may be worth briefly exploring.
First one must overcome any idea that, in the religious struggles of the 16th/17th centuries, the population of England changed from Catholic to Protestant overnight. A great many of those brought up as Catholics may have attended the official services to keep out of trouble but in their hearts and at home they remained Catholic. They are referred to as “Church Catholics,” that is, Catholics who attended the Protestant church on Sundays (defined by someone at the time as “Papists who can keep their consciences to themselves”). The fine for missing a church service, that is, being a “recusant,” over a year amounted to more than a yeoman’s annual income and church baptisms and marriages were also compulsory. (Yeoman - A man holding a small landed estate; a freeholder under the rank of a gentleman; hence vaguely, a commoner or countryman of respectable standing, esp. one who cultivates his own land - OED)
Only the very rich could afford the “luxury” of being a recusant. There are numerous instances among the peerage of the head of the family publicly conforming, going to the church and taking the requisite Oath of Supremacy, and therefore saving the family estates from sequestration or the children from being seized and fostered elsewhere, enabling the rest of the family and servants to continue relatively untroubled in the “old faith.” (Having saved the family fortune they then hoped for the opportunity of a “death-bed conversion” to save their own eternal souls).
The anti-Catholic religious laws of England were not enacted or enforced with such rigour in Ireland and there is ample evidence of fervent Protestants lamenting the rampant “popery” they witnessed in Ireland. As such, Ireland became the destination for some seeking a refuge from the severity of the English persecution. Even when “plantations” were set aside for English Protestants to move into, as part of the English government’s pacification of Ireland policy, many of these new colonists were “Church Catholics” who, once established in Ireland, felt able to revert to a more open practice of the old faith.
Records from all over Ireland show farm tenancies taken up by English Catholic, whether recusant or Church Catholic, immigrants. Sir George Calvert, later Lord Baltimore, who was to found Maryland as a Catholic colony on the American continent, acquired the Cloghamon estate in north County Wexford and recruited tenants from England to farm his holdings. “Estate documents of 1638 show that the majority of these tenants were Catholics recruited from Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire and elsewhere” (“The Origins of Sectarianism in Early Modern Ireland,” Alan Ford & John MacCafferty, C.U.P., 2005).
This was a time when Catholicism stubbornly persevered among branches of the Mordaunt family in England. In Elizabethan and Jacobean times, members of the Mordaunt family were, in the view of the Protestant government, “notorious” recusants and even as late as 1750s there are records, for example, of Catholic Mordaunt farmers and labourers in cumbria, Lancashire and a Catholic Mordaunt freeholder in Devon as they sought refuge as far from the centre of government as possible .
While the government in Ireland was aware of this happening, the English Catholics who had moved over retained a loyalty to the notion of England’s right to rule Ireland and therefore were not considered the prime security risk. They may have been waiting for the Queen or King to die and for better things in the future but they were not seen as potential rebels, unlike the Catholic Irish. So, except for the periods of extreme Protestant fervour and repression, such as under Cromwell, life for English Catholics in Ireland in general remained that much easier than in England.
So, one possibility is that the first Mordaunts in Ireland were among these religious refugees.
Another possibility is the curious tale of a marriage of an Osmund Mordaunt to Mary Bulger, reportedly from "Liraan nr.Gorey in Ireland," in the church of St. Peter Cornhill, London, on 25th June 1673. I say "curious tale" because this entry in the register is clearly a clumsy and incompetant forgery naming Osmund as the son of John Mordaunt, 1st Viscount Avalon, which was denounced in the 19th century as part of a fraudulent claim to the dormant Mordaunt barony. This ignores the fact that this Osmund/Osmond would only have been about 3 or 4 years old at the time and that there is no record of any claim having been made either to the College of Heralds or to the Privileges Committee of the House of Lords. But, supposing there was a genuine entry of an Mordaunt which someone, at a later date, doctored for some unknown reason. Bulger is and was a common name around Gorey. "Liraan" is surely Lyrane, near Gorey. So much of this resonates of the truth. If it is a complete forgery, the forger did his homework. So, is it possible that a Mordaunt did marry a Bulger from Gorey in London and then moved to her home town in Co. Wexford, starting the Wexford branch of the Mordaunt family?
There can be little doubt that north Wexford, aroung the town of Gorey, was the first place of Mordaunt settlement in Ireland and that there followed a spillover into southern Wicklow and the normal pattern of younger siblings with no hope of acquiring any land drifting to Dublin and elsewhere for employment. Therefore, for this page, I am starting with Wexford then Wicklow before moving onwards to Dublin and elsewhere.
Mordaunts and Mornings, Mordens and others?
An interesting matter was raised in November 2013 by a correspondent in Australia, Peter Rodney, doing his own family history research, who found confusion existing in the early 1800s in some records between the names Mordaunt and Morning. On a visit to Ballyoughter, Co. Wexford, he met Kay Greene (née Mordaunt) who told him that the Mordaunt family also went by the name Morning. Having heard the name Mordaunt spoken with a strong rural Wexford accent I can understand a listener mistaking the sound and writing the name as Morning. Anyway, Peter had discovered that the godparents of a James Rodney on 24th November 1816 were George and Betty Morning. Peter also sent me a copy of an 1811 map of the Gorey area. The map marks the houses of the more prominent landholders, such as the Rams, the Earl of Mountnorris and Sr Tho Esmonde, a number of Mr.s, such as a Mr. Grogan and a Mr. Swan and a number prominent enough to be recorded but not high enough up the social order to be a Mr. Among these were a Morning at Ballintlea (not itself named on the map) on the exact spot the later Griffiths Valuation recorded as a Mordaunt holding. Peter suggests, and I agree, that this landholding Morning was probably in fact a Mordaunt. I have not found the name Morning in any dictionary of Irish or English surnames.
In documents I have found via geneology websites on the Internet which are dated before 1840, most Mordaunts seem to be identified as Mornings. After 1840 they are usually clearly identified as Mordaunts.
The records show a number of Mornings in Donegal and a few more scattered around different parts of Ireland, mostly the north. I have not attempted to track these but have contented myself, so far, to list only those living in Mordaunt "areas" whose identity as a Mordaunt is more certain.
While the Mordaunts or Mordants of Wexford were learning how to spell their name, those of Dublin, perhaps where their possible Wexford accents could cause confusion, appear on records as Morden, Mordan and other variations
Inheritance in Ireland - Custom and Law
Under Irish custom, on the death of a landholder, his land was divided equally between his sons. An expression for this was "Gavelkind". In England, all land was inherited by the eldest son. It is very probable that, when they moved to Ireland, English Catholic families kept to the English custom and land holdings remained intact, passed down from father to eldest son. A 1703 Act to Prevent the Further Growth of Popery, passed by the Irish Parliament, among some other things, enshrined in law the Irish custom for all Catholics. It was intended to weaken the power of Catholic estates. If all children were Catholic, the land was to be divided equally between them, as per Irish custom. If the eldest son was Protestant, he would inherit all the landholding, as per English custom. This explains why, in the following land records, brothers hold equal areas of land. As land holdings became smaller, they simply were not profitable, and children went away to seek profitable work. What is not clear to me, from the wording of the Act, were the rights of widows and mothers of the heirs to retain land. The Act also stipulated that Catholics could not buy land and could only lease or rent land for a maximum of 31 years. That did not prevent them renewing a lease after thirty one years for a further period. I have not found reference to an Act of repeal, but it is probable that it would have become ineffective by the time of the Roman Catholic Relief Act of 1829, which removed almost all discrimination against Catholics.
County Wexford
The Beginnings - a Summary
1670s - 1690s On the limited available evidence, this, I believe, is the probable period in which the first Mordaunt settled in North Wexford in the Gorey area. There is no written evidence.
1740s - 1750s Anything from 50 to 90 years later, how many generations would that be, three of four? Here, at last, there is written evidence of two Mordaunts born around this period North West of Gorey, although clearly there must have been more - Patrick Morning in church baptismal records and Michael Morning in the Memoirs of Miles Byrnes.
1780s - 1800s The next generation - I estimate that, in this fourth generation there must have been a minimum in the order of 40 Mordaunts born in this period. At last, written evidence is mounting up. There is written evidence of around a dozen Mordaunts born in this period whose baptismal records of their children or their gravestones are now available on Irish genealogy websites. Clearly a lot are still missing but those I have so far found or have been advised of are:-
- Laurence Mordaunt of Ramstown was born in 1772 according to his gravestone in a cemetery in Gorey
- Denis Morning, baptised 1783 and Elizabeth Morning baptised 1784, both of Ballintlea
- Edward Morning, who seems sometimes to be in Wexford and sometimes in Wicklow, baptised a son in 1809
- Stephen Mordaunt of Lyrane, whose death record suggests was born in about 1788
- Miles Morning of Ballinclea (sic), baptised a son in 1816
- George Morning of Camolin baptised a son in 1816
- James Morning of Ballydarrow (a village/townland not identified by me), baptised a son in 1816
- Patrick Morning of Ballintlea, baptised a child in 1817
- James Morning of Ballinahillen baptised a daughter in 1818
- Another(?)George Morning of Coolalug baptised a daughter in 1823
and others from later death records who may be some of the above or who may be others as yet unidentified
Confusing glimpses of the mid to late 1700s and early 1800s - the earliest recorded evidence of Mordaunts.
The Tithe Applotment Books (1823 - 1837) and the Griffiths Valuations (1854 in Wexford) are valuable soures that link a number of Mordaunts together, even though they raise almost as many questions as answers. In between were the Ireland Valuation Office books which were drawn up helped to inform the publication of Griffith’s Valuation. Earlier than these records, information is very vague. From what I have discovered, or was passed on to me by kind correspondents who discovered them, two names stand out.
- Patrick Mordaunt, (b. 1740s or 1750s) named in baptismal records of two children which have survived and been uploaded online. He can fairly confidently be placed in Ballintlea and is therefore quite possibly the Morning recorded in the 1811 map of the Gorey area . The map confusingly has the name of the neighbouring townland, Ballingarry, clearly written over the area of the townland of Ballinclay later changed to Ballintlea. The house/land is shown as occupied by a Morning. This Morning therefore was of sufficient local importance to be marked on the map, but not of sufficient importance to be granted the courtesy ranks of Mister or Esquire.
- Michael Morning (b. 1740s or 1750s) is mentioned in the early pages (set in 1796) of The Memoirs of Miles Byrne, which also names a son who was 15 years old in that year. At the time of writing this webpage, I consider it also possible that he was the Morning named on the 1811 map of the Gorey area .
- Michael Morning (b. about 1781)
The Memoirs of Miles Byrne (which were kindly drawn to my intention by John Doyle writing in my Guest Book) records
"Thomas Knox Grogan, of Castletown, having served in the Green Horse, received a commission from Government in the end of 1/96 to raise a corps of yeomen cavalry. Possessing two estates, Monaseed and Castletown, he found no difficulty in getting men well
mounted amongst his tenants, who enrolled themselves with pleasure, for it was difficult to find a more upright, honourable man, though he was not very well fitted for command, being subject to the gout. Sir Thomas Esmonde, of Ballinastra, was first lieutenant ; Laurence
Doyle, his first cousin, second lieutenant; Murt Murnagh, of Little Limerick, adjutant. The last was my near relation. Seeing several of my best friends and school-fellows, such as Nick Murphy, of Monaseed ; Ned Fennell, of Deerpark; John Doyle and his brother James, of Knock, and my aunt's husband
Michael Morning, all sending their names to Captain Knox Grogan, I readily consented to leave mine, but added my mother would not consent until she got the lease of the land called the Fox Cover renewed She could never forget what she suffered a few years previous
when leaving Ballylusk, the townland and place where I was born, and which had been in the family for centuries : she could not get the lease of that place renewed, as the landlord (J. Doyle) wished to come and live on it himself. Catholics could only get then leases of
thirty-one years. Mr. Grogan at once complied with my mother's wishes, and had the leases filled up immediately with three lives mine, my sister Bridget's, and my first cousin's, Miles Morning. The latter was then about fifteen years of age. He died a few years
after. My poor father was then sick and confined to his bedroom.
"After Mr. Grogan had signed the leases, in the presence of my uncle Morning and his land-agent, Jackson, he requested these gentlemen to accompany my mother to Monaseed, a distance of six miles from Castletown, in order for my father to sign them in their presence.
My mother was quite happy at having this business settled, and expected it would cheer my poor father's spirits. She was cruelly disappointed. For, when she told him I was enrolled in the corps of yeomanry, with all my friends and comrades, he declared " he would
rather see the leases burned and me dead than ever see me put on a red coat." I was then very young, and the pang I felt left me motionless for some time."
The 1811 map shows a Mr Grogan (notice the distinction) occupying land at Moneyseed (sic). He is therefore most likely to have been the Thomas Knox Grogan trying to raise the corps of yeoman cavalry and, if he was an important near neighbour, it might explain why Michael promptly volunteered.
Unfortunately, so far that is all I know of Michael and his son Miles, although he is quite possibly the father of one of more of the names that occur below in Lyrane or Monaseed, or others listed in the Tithe Applotments Books or Griffiths Valuations in the townlands adjacent to Ballintlea.
The Tithe Applotment Lists 1823 - 1837 and the Griffiths Valuation 1847 - 1864
The Tithe Applotment Books are a vital source for genealogical research for the pre-Famine period, given the loss of the early Census records. They were compiled between 1823 and 1837 in order to determine the amount which occupiers of agricultural holdings over one acre should pay in tithes to the Church of Ireland (the main Protestant church and the church established by the State until its dis-establishment in 1871 (Taken from the National Archives of Ireland website).
The Ireland Valuation Office books house several types of manuscript records from the Valuation Office in Ireland: field books, house books, quarto books, rent books, survey books, and tenure books. All of these books helped to inform the publication of Griffith’s Valuation. The assessment of land and buildings in Ireland was intended to aid in the re-evaluating of local taxes, which were at that time unevenly applied. These records were compiled in three waves, each with its own distinct parameters for assessment, prior to the publication of Griffith’s Valuation. These three methods for assessment produced different records. During the first valuation, house books would list the names of occupiers while field books recorded details solely related to soil quality. The nature of these two books changed slightly by the third valuation where both were including information on occupiers.
The Griffiths Valuation (more formally called the Primary Valuation) was a boundary and land valuation survey of Ireland conducted while a Richard John Griffith held the position of Commmissioner of Valuation and was completed in Wexford in 1854 (Taken from Wikipedia).
The spread of Mordaunts in north Wexford and south Wicklow in the Tithe Applotment lists and Griffiths Valuation is shown in this map.
But, of course, these records omit all the Mordaunts who were not land holders and who instead were labourers, farmworkers or any other work they could get.
Mordaunts of Ballinclay/Ballintlea
Ballinclay and Ballintlea?
The Tithe Applotment list 1825 records Mordaunts occupying almost the whole of the townland of Ballinclay, consisting of 142 acres, in the parish of Kilnahue, clearly next door to the townland of Ballingarry. Some 25 years later, in the Griffiths Valuation, Ballinclay is not mentioned but, instead, Mordaunts are occupying almost the whole of the townland of Ballintlea,consisting of 237 acres, not mentioned in the Tithe Applotment, also next door to Ballingarry. They are clearly the same place and the difference in name and size is explained in the Wikipedia article on Townlands which states that "During the 19th century, an extensive series of maps of Ireland were created by the Irish division of the Ordnance Survey for taxation purposes, which documented and standardised the boundaries of the more than 60,000 townlands in Ireland. This process often involved the division or amalgamation of existing townlands, and defining townland boundaries in areas such as mountain or bog land that had previously been outside the townland system."
In the Tithe Applotment list, in the townland of Ballinclay, a Patrick Mordaunt was farming 30 acres (21%), a Denis Mordaunt 30 acres (21%), a John Mordaunt had 18 acres (12%), an Edward Mordaunt had almost 18 acres (12%) and a Widow Mordaunt held 35 acres (25%) leaving 12 acres (9%) for a James Keegan.
In the Griffiths valuation, the townland of Ballintlea was dominated by Mordaunts. An Ellen Mordaunt was the immediate lessor of 81 acres (35%), 60 acres to a Martin Nowlan and of 21 acres to a Michael Purcell, a Michael Mordaunt was farming 56 acres (24%), a Catherine Mordaunt (Patk.) 45 acres (19%), Denis Mordaunt had sublet 45 acres(19%) to a Patrick Carton and 8 acres (3%) were occupied by Catherine Mordaunt (Geo.) from Denis and Catherine (Patk.) jointly. Dennis had by now acquired further land in Clone East and Clone West and had moved house.
The death of a Catherine Mordaunt (abt. 1791 - 10th December, 1871) of Ballinahilen, a farmer's widow, was recorded in the Camolin district of Gorey. I believe she is possibly either of the two Catherines above.
The Ireland Valuation Office Field Book records a detailed survey of the quality of the soil in Ballintlea for tax purposes in the 1840s. The third page curiosly records only one house, that of a Patrick Morning .
Many of the baptisms of the family in the early 1800s took place in the church of Ballyoughter, a village that today seems surprisingly remote from their farmlands, about midway, as the crow flies, between Ballintlea to the north and Clone and Monamolin to the south. The present church, as far as I can ascertain, dates from the 1860s. Their record keeping was very confusing. A John Morning was baptised on 3rd January, 1816 and an Edward Morning was baptised on 4th January, 1816, and yet the entries are three pages apart.
I owe much to the knowledge and research of two correspondents from Wexford, Myles Mordaunt and Sarah Brennan, for valuable additional information not available on the Internet
Sarah Brennan writes from her childhood memories "The Mordaunt houses were down a lane which came down off the road turned left and then onto the houses - first Pat Mordaunt's (son of Myles Mordaunt) and a little bit further on to Mick Mordaunt's (son of Patrick Mordaunt)
The Mick Mordaunt house was at the top of a yard, and was divided from the adjoining farmyard and house all the way from the side of the house to bottom of the yard by a high wall. This house (Mick Mordaunt's) was very old as were all the outhouses - the house next door appeared much less old as did the outhouses -we would always have considered the older one as the original Mordaunt house.
A stream ran along the bottom of the lane just below the two yards with a spout at the left hand side - there was an old yard to the left of the spout and a haggard above this - the stream ran from a spring well in the field above this.
The farm next door although they were Mordaunts were considered a completely separate family and their land was to that side of the lane They were not closely related i.e. first to third cousins. They may have been related once - on asking when young, was told that they may have been way back - which I am sure they were."
If my suppositions below are correct, the Mick and Pat of this recollectionn were great great grandchildren of the patriarch, Patrick Morning/Mordaunt, just below, which I understand would make them 3rd cousins, four generations apart Is that enough to lose any sense of a relationship when they are physically living next door to each other?
Myles Mordaunt writes that he "was told that the farmyards had been built for two brothers in the early 1800s. The style of doweling house would put them in that period."
- Patrick Morning/Mordaunt (b. 1750+/-10 years? - before 1825) occupied much of the townland of Ballinclay/Ballantlea, which later was divided between at least two sons (Patrick and Dennis). His wife was named simply as Mary in the church baptism records. Perhaps she was the Widow Mordaunt recorded in the Tithe Applotment in possession of 35.5 acres.
I am very grateful to my distant cousin, friend and fellow family history enthusiast Alison McCarthy for finding records of Patrick and forwarding them to me.
While I have found no record of his birth or baptism, I believe Patrick was probably the elder son because, from Sarah Brennan's account, above, he inherited the original Mordaunt house.
- Patrick Mordaunt was recorded in the 1825 Tithe Applotment in possesion 29.5 acres in Ballinclay/Ballintlea. It was presumably his widow, Catherine Mordaunt "Cath(Patk)" who was listed in possession of a farm of 42 acres in Ballintlea in the Griffiths Valuation. She was also in joint possession with a Denis Mordaunt of 8 acres in Ballintlea sub let to "Cath(Geo)", presumably Catherine, widow of George. I have found evidence of only one surviving child, who was, presumably, the occupier of the farm in Griffiths Valuation and the 1901 census. There is a confusing record from the Ballyoughter church of an
- unnamed Morning child and its baptism on 27th May, 1817, father Pat Morning of Ballinclia (sic), mother blurry or omitted and with Denis Morning as a godparent. I cannot think where else to place him, or her.
- Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1828 - 28th August, 1902). A widower, described as a farmer, in the 1901 census, he had been married to Mary Anne Ireton (abt. 1838 - 2nd December, 1891), and they had several children. He was named occupying the land in the Griffiths Valuation
- Elizabeth Mordaunt (abt. 1859 - ?) who married Joseph Woodbyrne, a farmer, on 12th November, 1881.
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1860 - 6th May 1946), married to Sarah Whitty (abt. 1872 - 6th December, 1950) on 2nd July, 1898. He was 'head of the family' at the 1911 census. Patrick and Sarah were buried in Craanford Cemetery.
- Michael Mordaunt (abt 1898 - ? September 1963). He continued to work the farm. He was almost certainly the Mick Mordaunt mentioned in Sarah Brennan's anecdote above.
He is buried with his parents. It was presumably he who married Rosanna (abt. 1906 - 29th January 1964) also buried at the same spot. I presume she was the Rose Mordaunt present at the death of her father-in-law, Patrick. They had just one son:
- Patrick (Paddy) Mordaunt (b. abt. 1949), who was 14 years old when his father died and then his mother died a year later. It was he, presumably, who sold the farm in 1970. He married Margaret Byrne.
- Michael Mordaunt (b. ? ) He married Anne Lynch
- Alison Mordaunt (b. ? ). She married John McCarthy. I will say again that I am very grateful to Alison for all the assistance and information she has given me.
- Rose Mordaunt (b. ? ). She married Keith Senerchia.
- Susan Mordaunt who sadly died young
Michael was an active on the Republican side of the Civil War and is pictured below, back row, second from the left. His name, and that of his sister, Mary Anne, were included in a memorial erected in September 2022, pictured below with his son, Patrick.
- Mary Anne Mordaunt (b. abt. 1899 - 1957?). In the 1901 census she was listed as a niece, but as a daughter in the 1911 census. She crossed to Liverpool/Birkenhead and lived, and maybe worked, at the Crown Vault Hotel, Watson Street, Birkenhead, together with her younger sister Elizabeth.
- Peter Mordaunt (b. abt. 1901).
- Elizabeth (Lizzie)(Betty) Mordaunt (23rd January, 1905 - 3rd January, 1961). Like some of her sisters she left for Liverpool/Birkenhead at some time and married a widower, Owen John Allison Gray (d. 1958).
- Owen John Gray (b. November 1948 - 2006). Orphaned at the age of 12, his step-family believe he was taken to Ireland, though by whom is not clear, but he died in Liverpool.
I am very grateful to my correspondent, Sharon, who wrote to me initially asking for information but, in the end, providing me with much information about the sisters Maryanne and Elizabeth (known as Lizzie as a child but later, among the Gray family, known as Betty) and introducing me to Ellen Mordaunt, see below.
Elizabeth and Owen lived, and she worked, at the Crown Vaults Hotel, Watson Street, Birkenhead (Like many hotels/pubs these days it seems it no longer exists), along with sister Maryanne above, licensed to her sister, Ellen. Three years after being widowed, she was tragically killed, hit by a lorry, crossing the road near the pub.
- Sarah Mordaunt (6th August, 1907 - ?). She married William Brennan on 26th July, 1944 and had, among any other children, at least one daughter
- Sarah Brennan I am very grateful to Sarah for writing to me and bringing together in their rightful place as a family, Mordaunts I had scattered all over this page, in addition to providing much additional information.
- Margaret (Maggie) Mary Mordaunt (2nd June,1910 - 12th January, 1913). Her death certificate gave as the cause meningitis.
- Ellen Mordaunt?. (9th May, 1913 - ?). When Elizabeth, above, was tragically knocked down by a lorry in 1961, the newspaper reports describe her as the sister of Ellen Ryan, licensee of the Crown Vault Hotel in Watson Street, Birkenhead. In what order I do not know but she married Patrick Ryan, crossed to Birkenhead and became a pub licensee. In the reports of his sister-in-law´s death, Patrick Ryan was described as a student nurse - perhaps a late career change.
- Luke Mordaunt (abt. 1863 - 30th December, 1952) who acquired his own farm, married from about 1892 to Margaret Whelan (abt. 1869 - 31st October 1943). In the 1901 census and the 1911 census they were in Ballingarry Upper, Gorey Rural. They had had 9 children, 8 surviving in 1911. They are buried in Craanford Cemetery, together with six of their children none of whom married, presumably. Their ages given on their tombstone would give them all different dates of birth than that suggested in the 1901 and 1911 censuses. I guess the census dates are likely to be the more accurate.
- Michael Mordaunt (20th April, 1893 - 20th October 1979)
- Patrick Mordaunt (28th August, 1894 - 5th February 1975)
- William Mordaunt,(10th June, 1896 - 5th May 1972)
- George Mordaunt, (11th November, 1897 - ?)
- (?) Mordaunt.
- Lizanne Mordaunt, granddaughter of George, who wrote in my Guestbook, 4th April 2010
- Mary Ann Mordaunt? (13th February, 1899 - June 23rd, 1899).
- Luke Mordaunt (2nd April, 1900 - ?)
- Ethel Mordaunt (abt. 1902 - 26th August 1975)
- Robert Mordaunt (17th June, 1903 - 25th June 1987)
- Julia Mordaunt (29th June, 1904 - 15th February 1993)
- Esther Mordaunt (24th May, 1907 - ?). She was not recorded at home on the 1911 census.
- Ellen Mordaunt (14th February 1866 - 10th January, 1903) in Gorey. She was the first of their children whose birth was registered under the newly introduced registration system for births, marriages and deaths. I am very grateful to Nicola Byrne who wrote to me with information about Ellen and her sister Margaret. Ellen married Nicola's great great grand uncle, Myles Byrne, a shopkeeper, at Craanford chapel on 9th April, 1891. They had children (maybe more): John, born Leakinfere, 22nd January, 1892; Michael, born 18th April 1893; Mary Anne, born Camolin, 6th May, 1895; Ellen Teresa, born Camolin, 1st April, 1899; Margaret Mary, born Camolin, 9th March, 1901. Ellen died at the early age of 37 years. Her sister, Margaret, married Ellen's husband's brother.
- Mary Mordaunt (1st January 1872 - ?). The death of a Mary Mordaunt, born about 1868 was recorded in Gorey in 1907. Was it this Mary?
- Catherine Mordaunt (5th January 1869 - 15th June 1937) which would have made her 68 years old but the tombstone says she was 67 years old.
- Margaret Mordaunt (4th March, 1975 - 28th February. 1906) With thanks again to Nicola Byrne, Margaret married her sister Ellen's husband's brother, John Byrne (b. 6th January 1868), on 30th August, 1899, at Craanford . They had one child, John, born in Creagh on 26th December, 1902. Margaret died at the young age of 29 and is buried in Kilnahue graveyard with her parents in law..
- George Mordaunt (29th June, 1878 - ?), newly married to Lizzie (abt. 1875 - ?), also born in Co. Wexford, they had moved to house no. 29.3 in Donnybrook East, Dublin by the 1901 census, working as a gardner. At the 1911 census he was described as a motorman, married for 11 years, living at 69 Pembroke Cottages, Pembroke West, Dublin. In that time they had had 6 children of whom only 3 had survived.
- May Mordaunt (b. abt. 1902) was born in Dublin.
- Kathleen Mordaunt (b. abt. 1904) was born in Dublin.
- Michael Mordaunt (b. abt. 1908) was born in Dublin. The death of a Michael Mordaunt, born about 1907, was recorded in 1932 in Dublin North.
- unnamed Mordaunt died aged two days on June 2nd, 1910
I am assuming this is the Michael Mordaunt who buried a wife, Mary Anne, and a daughter, Kate, in Craanford Cemetery, (old section)
- Denis Mordaunt (1783 - 1868) - my great great grandfather. This is a summary of him and his family which can be seen in greater detail on the my family history page. He was baptised on 13th December 1783. He was recorded in the 1825 Tithe Applotment in possesion 29.5 acres in Ballinclay/Ballintlea. This is exactly the same area as held by Patrick (above). My supposition is that he was the same Denis listed in the Griffiths Valuation as intermediate lessor of 8 acres in Ballintlea occupied by Cath(Geo) but also the Denis Mordaunt in possession of 21 acres in Clone East and a further 84 acres in Clone West. He was the only Mordaunt registered to vote from Ballinclay in a list published in March 1835 and reproduced on the Ireland Genealogy Project website. This suggests that Patrick may have died by this time, or simply did not bother to register.
He was married to Mary Byrne (abt. 1791 - 1852). Because of a lack of certainty over ages at death, I am not totally sure of the order of births so I have relied on my father's memory where dates are missing.
- Myles Mordaunt (1817 - 21st June, 1895). was baptised (as Miles Morning) on January,1817, in Ballyoughter parish. I presume the godparent, Pat Morning, was his uncle. He was to inherit his fathers Ballintlea land. The death certificate of Myles Mordaunt, a farmer from Ballantlea, wife Mary, aged 78 is dated 21st June 1895. His tombstone gives his age as 76 years old
- Michael Mordaunt (1819 - 31st March, 1894) was baptised (as Michael Morning) on 25th March,1819, in Ballyoughter parish. He was to inherit his father's lands in Clone East and West. A Michael Mordaunt, described as a farmer from Clone, of full age, son of Denis Mordaunt, farmer, married Anne Murphy (abt. 1830 - 9th February, 1904) on 12th November 1869.
Was he the Michael Morning appearing as a defence witness in a case of assault against a Peace Officer (did he mean police officer) in performance of his duties
On his death record his age was given as 75 years. His Will left all his possessions to his wife Anne while she still lived and thereafter to his nephew, Thomas Doyle. No children of his own are mentioned. From that I should surmise he had none, but other circumstantial evidence point to two possible children:
- Edward Mordaunt (1865 - 1957), a Jesuit lay brother was recorded as born in Dublin in the 1901 census, but I am grateful to a correspondent, EOL, who wrote to inform me he was born in Gorey and also sent me the link to the Irish Jesuit record,click on the little box labelled Irish Province in the Description Area. EOL did not know his father's christian name but his mother was Anne Mordaunt, née Murphy, He entered the Novitiate at Dromore, County Down, in 1885. In the 1911 census he appeared as a lay brother/tailor in the Jesuit house at no. 6.1 in Milltown (part of Sandford Road), Rathmines & Rathgar East. He is not listed in the website transcription of the 1911 census but nor is the whole Jesuit house of 30-odd residents - an error perhaps? EOL also kindly sent photographs from among the family photographs.
- Margarett Mordaunt married Mogue (or Moses or Moyses) Murphy
- Mary Mordaunt married a Peter Laffin
- Catherine Mordaunt was godmother to a sister’s baby in 1849. I had written on this site that I had found no further information about her but now I am again grateful to Mary O'Dwyer who, continuing her own research into her own, closely related family, forwarded to me a copy of Catherine's Will, written in October 1869, as recorded in the National Archives. She married William Doyle (d. 1868/69), a farmer and miller, and had two surviving children, Thomas Doyle and Lizzie Doyle..
- Charles Mordaunt was godfather to a sister’s baby in 1852. According to family oral tradition passed to me by my father , Charles went to the USA where he was popularly believed to have made his fortune. A Charles Mordaunt, born in Ireland, was living in New York Ward 7, District 8 in the 1870 census with his wife Jane (abt. 1832 - ?) also born in Ireland. He was described as a clerk. They do not appear in any later census. The death of a Charles Mordaunt, born about 1834, was recorded in Manhattan on October 1st, 1892, aged given as 58 years, (with thanks to Mary O'Dwyer who discovered that. I have found no record of children.
- Edward Mordaunt (abt. 1831 - 6th February, 1917) was my great grandfather. He married Bridget Crowe (abt. 1841 - 2nd February, 1921)
- Denis Mordaunt (18th March, 1865 - 16th January, 1941). His birth was recorded in Killenagh and Wells.
- Mary Mordaunt (12th June, 1866 - May 16th, 1907). Her birth was recorded in Killenagh and Wells.
- Catherine Mordaunt (abt.1867 - ?) A Catherine Mordaunt aged 20, father Edward, a farmer, married James Rourke on 30th April, 1887. If she was this Catherine, why did they marry in Enniscorthy?
- James Mordaunt (27th October, 1869 - 12th April, 1875) died of diphtheria aged 6 years in the same monthas his younger brothers, Myles and Michael.
- Myles Mordaunt (9th June, 1871) - 18th April, 1875) died of diphtheria when he was 4 years old.
- Michael Mordaunt (11th December, 1872 - 10th May, 1875) died of diphtheria aged 2.5 years. A sad month for the family.
- Patrick Mordaunt (10th March, 1874 - 1914), my grandfather served in the British Army. He married Bridget Plunket (May 1873 - December 1957)
- Edward(Ned) Patrick Mordaunt (8th July 1900 - 1982). He married Lilian Mary Milnes (1907 - 1994)
- Mary Brigid Genevieve Mordaunt (1930 - 2011) married Dezso Pinter
- Andrew Pinter (b. 1964)
- Brigid Amelia Pinter (b. 1967)
- Clare Rowena Mordaunt (b. 1931) married Arthur Bernard Edwards
- David Edwards (b. 1955) married Susy Cormack
- Catriona Edwards (b. 1980)
- John Edwards (b. 1982)
- Huw Edwards (b. 1983)
- Rhodri Edwards (b. 1985)
- Richard Edwards (b. 1957) married Lynn in 1996
- Hugo Edwards (b. 1997)
- Nicholas Edwards (b. 1998)
- Robin Edwards (b. 1958) married Emma Clark
- Alice May Edwards (b. 1990)
- Arthur Charles Edwards (b. 1992)
- John Edward Patrick Mordaunt (b. 1939) married 1. Jennifer Mary Snowden
- Penny Mordaunt (b. 1973) was elected to Parliament for the Portsmouth North constituency in 2010
- James Mordaunt (b. 1973)
- Edward Mordaunt (b. 1978)
- Henry Charles Mordaunt (Me - b. 1943) married 1. 1972 Helen Caulfield (b.1948)
- Sarah Elizabeth Mordaunt (b. 1975), married 1. Alfred Stangl and married 2. Tony Elder
- Archie Elder (b. 2013)
- Scarlett Elder (b. 2013)
- Christine Jennifer Mordaunt (b. 1977)
- Maximus (Max) Alexander Smith (b. 2008)
- William Luther Smith (b. 2010)
married 2. 1987 Alison Hearsey (b.1944)
married 3. 2002 Leonida Edwards (b. 1955)
- Rhianne Elaine Mordaunt (b. 1988)
- Malaya Leonida Brissett (b. 2013)
- Ruby Tuesday Mordaunt (b. 1991)
- Elasia Leonida Humphries-Cuff (b. 2010)
- Myah Joan Taylor (b. 2016)
- Michael Mordaunt (1945 - 1945)
- Bridget Mordaunt (1902 - 1902)
- Michael Mordaunt (1903 - 1920)
- Myles Mordaunt (1905 - 1960) married Mildred Carruthers
- Michael Mordaunt (1930 - 2022) was born in Hampstead. He married Mary Calvert and lives near Eastbourne
- Delia Mordaunt (b. 1957) was born in Lambeth. She married James Reynolds in Penrith in December 1996.
- Christopher Mordaunt (b. 1960) was born in Surrey. He married Diedre Fox in 1997
- Theodora Catherine V. Mordaunt (b. 1999)
- Myles Joseph Mordaunt (b. 2001)
- Ulic Mordaunt (1933 - 1933) was born and died in Richmond.
He then lived with Dora Marsh and they had a son
- Timothy Charles Algar Mordaunt (1945 - 2009) lived in High Wycombe. He married 1. Valerie Beaver Romley (b. 1947)
- Caroline Helen Mordaunt (b. 1971) was born in Cliveden
- India Rose R. Morgan (b. 2002) born in Chiltern, Bucks.
- Chaya Ruby Morgan (b. 2003) born in Chiltern, Bucks.
- Nima Gaia Morgan (b. 2006) born in Chltern, Bucks
- Myles Nicholas Mordaunt (b. 1973) was born in Cliveden. With Sonia Irvine he had a daughter
- Megan Irvine-Mordaunt (b. 2002) was born in Kensington and Chelsea
He married Natalie Weston in 2010
- Morgan Mansell Mordaunt (b. 2011) was born in Monaco
Timothy married 2. Sarah Chambers in 1989 who has children
- Elizabeth Jane Mordaunt (b. 1993) was born in High Wycombe.
- Edward Victor A. Mordaunt (b. 1996) was born in High Wycombe
- Mary (Molly) Mordaunt (1st October, 1908 - 1995) went to Australia and married Edward Pursell
- Patrick (Paddy) Mordaunt (15th January, 1910 - 1986)
- Desirée Mordaunt (1942 - 2009) was born in Drayton, Portsmouth. She married Khaldoun El Solh in 1963.
- Yanal El Solh (b. 1963) was born in Hammersmith, London. He married 1. Zöe and had daughter
He married 2. Linnéa Larsson from Sweden in 2005
- Malia Eleonora El Solh (b. 19th June, 2006) was born in Truro, Cornwall.
- Leo Habib El Solh (b. 18th August, 2008) was born in Linkoping, Sweden
- Nayla El Solh (b. 1965) was born in Beirut
- Patrick Mordaunt (1943 - 2004). He married Tania Horsford and, after the birth of their children they moved to British Columbia in Tania´s native Canada.
- Natalie Isabel Mordaunt (b. 1974) was born in Basingstoke. In Canada she married Jason Daniel Green
- Mackenzie Alexandra Green
- Jayle Hope Green
- Ella Raeden Green Green
- Oliva Patrick Green
- Peter James L. Mordaunt (b. 1977) was born in Basingstoke.
- Brigid Mordaunt (21st April, 1912 - 1993) married Albert Lewin in Basingstoke, Hampshire.
- Denis Mordaunt (5th November, 1912 - 12th May, 1914)
- Michael Mordaunt ( 21st August 1875 - ?).
- Johanna Mordaunt ((7th April, 1877 - 23rd January, 1893)
- Margaret Mordaunt (20th May 1879 - ?) Described as a milliner, she married teacher Michael McConneloge on 24th July, 1915.
- Theresa Mordaunt (16th January, 1881 - ?)
- Esther (Essy) Mordaunt (abt. 1881 - 6th May, 1914) She died at the family home, cause given as tubercular meningitis, her age given as 32.
- Charles Mordaunt, (24th May 1883 - ?). He went to the USA in 1912. I have no information on him after 1920.
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1834 – 5th October, 1892) was a godfather to a sister’s baby in 1854. His wife was Ellen Crowe (1838 - 6th November, 1899). He was to acquire a farm at Ballymurragh.
- Mary Mordaunt, (18th January 1864 - 1903). I am gratful to a correspondent, Michael Murphy, Mary's great grandson, who wrote to me in September 2022, to correct some erroneous assumptions I had made. Mary married William Doran (1864 - 1933) and died at the birth of her daughter, Catherine Doran, who was Michael's grandmother.
- Michael Mordaunt (15th August, 1965 - 1928?) was baptised in the church in Oulart (St. Patrick's?)on the same day of his birth. They took no chances in those days. He married Mary. The death of a Michael Mordaunt, born about 1867, wife Mary, was recorded in Gorey on 11th March, 1928
- Patrick Mordaunt (1915 - ?).
- Michael Mordaunt (b. 1958)
- Charles Mordaunt (b. 1959)
- Mary Mordaunt (b. 1961)
- Olive Mordaunt (b. 1964)
- Elizabeth Mordaunt, (26th February, 1867 - ?)
- Margaret Mordaunt, (24th February, 1869 - 31st October, 1874).
- Ellen Mordaunt, (27th January, 1871) - ?)
- Johanna Mordaunt, (25th April, 1873 - 1947), She married James Sinnott (1850 - 1916).
- Myles Mordaunt, (1874 - 29th June 1946). Sometime in the early 1900s, he acquired the farm in Ballintlea formerly held by his grandather Denis and then by his uncle Myles. He is shown there in the 1911 census, a farmer married for 8 years to Margaret (Maggie) Kinsella (abt. 1885 - 8th May 1951). Their marriage was registered in Gorey in 1902. They were both buried in Craanford Cemetery, together with a number of their children
- Patrick Mordaunt (31st August, 1903 - 27th October 1967). He inherited his father's farm but, being a batchelor, it was finally passed on to a son of his sister, Ellen. He was almost certainly the Pat Mordaunt mentioned in Sarah Brennan's anecdote above. His death was registered in Gorey. He is buried with his parents in Craanford Cemetery
- Ellen Mordaunt (4th June, 1905 - ?). She married a farmer, James Joseph Mills, of Castletown, Inch, at the Craanford Church on 7th January, 1942. One of her son's was to inherit the farm at Ballintlea.
- Bridget Mordaunt ((6th April, 1907- 25th November, 1928). Her nephew, Myles, told me that she died of TB. The tombstone apparently gives her age as 17 years (d.o.b. abt. 1911) which does not fit with the 1911 census (d.o.b. abt. 1907).
- Mary Mordaunt (26th September, 1909 - 31st July, 1926). Her nephew, Myles, told me that she died of TB. The tombstone apparently gives her age as 15 years (d.o.b. abt. 1914) which does not fit with the 1911 census (d.o.b. abt. 1910).
- Margaret Mordaunt (26th January, 1912 - ?)
- Myles Mordaunt (26th August, 1914 - 1955). Described as a labourer despite his father being a farmer, he married Elizabeth McDermott at Craanford on October 26th, 1936 In 1943 he and his family moved to Rosslare Strand. Among any other children he may have had was
- Myles Mordaunt (b. ?) who moved to west London and married Rosalyn MacEntee in Ealing in 1964. They lived in Hayes, Middlesex, before returning to Ireland on his retirement in 2002.
- Jacqueline Elizabeth Mordaunt (b. 1967). Her birth was registered in Hillingdon.
- Michelle Ann Mordaunt (b. 1975). Her birth was registered in Hillingdon.
I am very grateful to Myles who kindly contacted me to inform me that it was his grandfather Myles who took over Denis Mordaunt's land holdings in Ballintlea and to give me a great deal more information about the family, especially those buried in Craanford and Monaseed, taken from records prepared by those parishes..
- A Denis Mordaunt, (2nd March, 1917 - 28th June, 1918) who "died young" is buried with his parents. He is presumably the son that his nephew Myles told me died in a farming accident.
- A Kathleen Mordaunt, a daughter, is named on her father's death record.
- unnamed Mordaunt ((12th June, 1876 - 12th June, 1876)
- Margaret Mordaunt (26th July, 1879 - ?). She was baptised in the church in Oulart (St. Patrick's?) on the same day as her birth like her brother Michael, above, and probably the rest of her family.
- Johanna Mordaunt and
- Rose Mordaunt were godparents in 1859. I know nothing more about them.
- Eliza Mordaunt, born who knows when, married a ? Burnes, sometime, and then, as a widow, married Joseph Grant, a batchelor farmer from Wicklow, in Donney Brook, South Dublin, on February 8th, 1869. She was described as a shopkeeper.
- Jane Mordaunt (abt 1836 - ?) married James Bolger, a farmer, in the church at Boolavogue 27th February, 1867.
- Esther/Hester Mordaunt (abt. 1840 - 1879) married Francis Rath, a farmer, on 15th September, 1869.
- Patrick Rath (abt. 1871 - late 1930s).
- Elizabeth Morning (1784 - ?) was baptised on 16th May 1784. My correspondent, John Doyle, informed me that she was his 3 times great grandmother
These three, Patrick, Denis and Elizabeth, above, are the only verifable children of Patrick senior that I have found or been notified of. The following raise all sorts of questions with few answers.
- "Widow" Mordaunt, holding 35 acres in the Tithe Applotment, is the first big mystery. Whose widow was she? Was she the widow of Patrick and mother of Patrick and Denis? Was she the widow, Catherine(Geo), in the Griffiths Valuation. Was she the Ellen Mordaunt of the Griffiths Valuation holding 81 acres in Ballintlea, again the biggest holding in the townland? Her land holding was equal to the sum of the holdings of John and Edward. Was she their mother? I do not think we shall ever know.
Two others had almost identical landholdings in Ballinclay recorded in the Tithe Applotment but both were both missing from the 1840s Ireland Office Valuation records and the 1850s Griffiths Valuation. At first I jumped to the conclusion they were brothers on no other evidence other than they had identical sized plots. However, investigation into Ellen Mordaunt, below, complicated that supposition.
- John Mordaunt, was holding 18 acres. I have found no further independently confirmed sighting of him. He is my only candidate to be the John Mordaunt (b. 1817) who emigrated to Canada in 1846 during the Potato Famine.
- Edward Mordaunt was holding 17.75 acres in the tithe applotment list, 1829. Could he possibly have been the Edward Mordaunt holding 13 acres in Monaseed, below? Adding the plots held by an Edward in the Tithe Applotment in Ballinclay and Monaseed, it comes to 31 acres, virtually the same as Patrick and Denis. Could he have been a third brother, son of Patrick senior? But then what of the Edward Mordaunt in Knockbrandon and his 38 acres?
- Ellen Mordaunt raises possibly more questions than anyone. Are all the references to one person, two or even three? The name Ellen is connected with by far the biggest land holding in the Griffiths Valuation in Ballantlea which she was sub-leasing, 21 acres sublet to a Michael Purcell and 60 acres sublet to a Martin Nowlan. The house of an Ellen was in the neighbouring townland of Foxcover. An Ellen Mordaunt was the land holder, and it seems the farmer, of 22 acres in Monaseed. The Monaseed land, see below, was held by an Edward Mordaunt in the Tithe Applotment list but by an Ellen Mordaunt in the Griffiths Valuation, and an Ellen Mordaunt and her husband Edward Mordaunt are buried in a cemetary in Monaseed. Was that Edward Mordaunt also the holder of 18 acres in Ballinclay in the Tithe Applotment List. Was John Mordaunt of the Tithe Applotment list in Ballinclay any relation? An Ellen seems to have ended up with all their lands, and that of the Widow Mordaunt. Was one of the possible Ellen Mordaunts the Widow Mordaunt of the Tithe Applotment? In which case, whose widow was she? Was she a widow, or unmarried? In the 1901 census, the Ellen's old lands in Ballintlea were still in the possession of Purcells and Nolans (sic).
Patrick's widow, Catherine, and Denis appear to have felt responsible for Catherine, widow of George Mordaunt, so, who was:-
- George Mordaunt, (? - before 1848?). His widow Catherine occupied 8.5 acres in Ballintlea in the Griffiths Valuation, from intermediate lessors Catherine, widow of Patrick, and Denis. I have not found any other reference to a George Mordaunt at this time.
A big surprise for me, in May 2020, was the discovery on www.findmypast.ie of a
- Miles Morning (? - ?) of Ballinclea (sic) , married to Mary Tool, who were named as parents of a son:-
- Miles Morning (1816 - ?), who was baptised on 2nd November, 1816 in the church of Ballyoughter. His godfather was an Edward Morning, suggesting a very close relationship but father Miles is not mentioned elsewhere with any land. Perhaps he died before the Tithe Applotment
Mordaunts of Ballynahillen
The 1829 Tithe Applotment list shows three Mordaunts, clearly closely related, holding land in Ballynahillen. Twenty or more years later, in the Griffiths Valuation, there was only one. Not knowing their ages, I have placed them arbitarily in alphabetical order.
- George Mordaunt (? - ?) holding 42 acres. A church record shows the baptism of a daughter Catherine, of Ballynahillen, the mother named as Mag, presumably Margaret, Gahan, if I have read it correctly
George Mordaunt is listed among tithe defaulters in the Tithe War of 1831 on www.findmypast.ie. Perhaps that is why he was not listed in the Griffiths Valuation
- James Mordaunt (? - ?) holding 21 acres. He was possibly the James Morning occupying 39 acres at Ballynahillen in the Griffiths Valuation, the only Mordaunt still occupying land in the parish. The only record of a child´s baptism I have found to date does not name his wife. He is listed among tithe defaulters listed in www.findmypast.ie in the Tithe War of 1831. A death certificate dated 23rd December 1866, aged 78 and so born about 1788. Was it this James?
- Elizabeth (1818 - ?) was listed as Betty in the record of her baptism on 25th May, 1818, in Ballyoughter parish. A godmother was an Ellen Mordaunt, for whom there are several possibilities.
- Peter Mordaunt (? - ?) also holding 21 acres. He is listed among tithe defaulters listed on www.findmypast.ie in the Tithe War of 1831. He was not listed in the Griffiths Valuation and is definitely my favourite to be the Peter Mordaunt of the right age (born abt. 1805 according to the 1880 US Census)) who emigrated to the USA in the late 1840s, at the time of the Potato Famine. If it was he, it seems to have been a good move. No other candidate has emerged to date
Mordaunts of Knocbrandon
- Edward Morning (sic !!!) was occupying 38 acres at the time of the Tithe Applotment. There were a lot of plots in different townlands occupied by an Edward Mordaunt. Knockbrandon, as it seems spelt now, neighbours Foxcover and Monaseed and so it is possible they were all the same Edward. He was not occupying the land by the time of the Griffiths Valuation.
Mordaunts of Lyrane
- Patrick Mordaunt (? - ?) The Tithe Applotment List of 1829 places a Patrick Mordaunt holding 30 acres in Lyrane.
Whether they were related in any way or not, the Grifffiths Valuation (1850s) some thirty years later has
- Stephen Mordaunt (b. about 1788 - 7th May, 1873) as the occupier of 126 acres in Lyrane, the immediate lessor being an Edward Doyle. His wife was Anne Mordaunt (b. about 1786 - 20th, December 1874). His death certificate, as a farmer of Lyrane, aged 85, states he died after an illness of two weeks, without a medical attendant. Anne's death registry entry the following year states that she had been sick for six weeks but had received no medical attendant. A witness to both death certificates was a Patrick Mordaunt but whether that was a son or another relative I do not know.
I am very confused as to what happens next. Rating records place:
- George Mordaunt (abt 1831 - 4th March, 1897) A Landed Estates Court record for for May - July 1880 shows a George Mordaunt in occupation 148 acres of Land in Lyrane. He married Anne Giles (abt. 1841 - 28th February, 1911) , age 24, a farmer's daughter, on 8th September 1864. This is the entry in the register where, in the column headed "Condition" where the registrar was supposed to record if they were bachelor or spinster or widowed, wrote "The answer to this would seem to be in the next column," the next column recording that they were the children of farmers. Did that mean they were fit and well fed and prosperous or that they were poor? Charlotte Byrne, who told me her uncle now occupies the farm, kindly contacted me to say that he married an Elizabeth Steadman.
- Stephen Mordaunt (2nd June, 1865 - 5th February, 1951) had taken over the running of the farm by 1888, although it was his mother, Anne, who was named Head of the Family in the 1901 census. Stephen was Head of the Family at the 1911 census. His age was given as 34 years in 1901 and as 35 years in 1911. He married, finally, Ellen McCann (abt. 1886 - 19th March 1947), another farmer, on 17th February, 1920. He is buried in Craanford Cemetery, where his age was given as 82 years. From birth records and death he was 85 years. His wife, Ellen, is buried with him.
- Anne Mordaunt. According to Charlotte Byrne's research, they had only one child, Anne, who married John Byrne in Craanford on 27th November, 1941. They had six children of whom
- Charlie Byrne married Angela Doran and had four children including Charlotte Byrne. Her uncle still farms the same land at Lyrane.
I am very grateful to Charlotte Byrne for writing to me with information about her family.
Charlotte also informed me that, sometime within the last 90 years or so, the spelling of the name within the family has evolved to Mourdant!
- Anne Mordaunt (24th August 1868 - ?). Her birth was registered in Gorey. She married Patrick Laffan, a farmer, on 29th February, 1892.
- Margaret Mordaunt (13th November, 1975 - ?) Her birth was registered in Ballinclay. She married a farmer, Bernard Kavanagh, on 19th February, 1898,
- Mary Anne Mordaunt (25th June, 1877 - ?). The 1901 census gives her age as 22, three years older than her brother George, which would have meant she was 26 yeats old.
- George Mordaunt (15th September, 1880 - 8th May 1930). The 1901 census gives his age as 19 years but from the record of his birth registration he would have been 20. He is buried with his brother Stephen in Craanford Cemetery, his age given as 45 years. According to birth and death registration records he would have been 50 years old.
- Elizabeth (Lizzie) Mordaunt (26th March, 1882 - ?), who was not in the house for the 1911 census. I am very grateful to her grandson, Christopher Smith, doing his own research into the Doyle family, who wrote to me in June 2015 to inform me that she married Thomas Doyle of Grove House, Knockbrandon, on 1st February, 1911, and had ten children including Christopher's mother, Elizabeth Mary Doyle. His uncle George still lives in Grove House which, he writes, has been in the family for more than 150 years.
Mordaunts of Monaseed
- Edward Mordaunt (? - ?) was listed in the Tithe Applotment, 1829, list holding 13 acres. There is some explanatory word in the entry I cannot decipher. Was he is the same Edward Mordaunt who was holding 17.75 acres in Ballinclay, above, only three miles away. The Griffiths Valuation shows an Ellen Mordaunt (abt 1791 - 14th June, 1883) holding 22 acres of land in Monaseed . An Edward and his wife Ellen are buried in St. Patrick's Cemetary, Monaseed. The Ireland Genealogy Project was three photos of their gravestone, one, two and three. It is badly weathered but they have attempted a transcription of what is legible -
Here lieth the ... of | EDWARD MORDAUNT of M..... | who dep this life J.n 7 1831? | Aged years | ... ELLEN MORDAUNT who d.. | 13 Jan 188. Aged ?? Years | And their daughter ALICE .. | died 15th July 1896? Aged 70? Y.. | And their daughter ELIZABETH K..... | .. ... 1907 | .... .... ...
The question arises, is this the same Ellen as listed above in Ballantlea or is it another? Adding the plots held by an Edward in the Tithe Applotment in Ballinclay and Monaseed, it comes to 31 acres, virtually the same as Patrick and Denis. Could he have been a third brother, son of Patrick senior? There is evidence of two daughters:
- Alice/Alicia Mordaunt (abt. 1826 - 15th July 1896). She is buried with her parents in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Monaseed, her age given as 70 years.
- Elizabeth Mordaunt (abt 1828 - 16th August 1907). She married Alexander (which appears as Sandam i the marriage record) Kinsella (abt. 1828 - 14th October 1919) on 28th November, 1867. They are both buried with her parents in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Monaseed, her age given as 78 years, his as 91 years.
Mordaunts of Mullaunfin (now Mullawnfin)
- Patrick Mordaunt (? - ?), who could well be Patrick Mordaunt of nearby Ballinclay/Balintlea, above, in 1795 obtained a lease to 16 plus acres of land in Killynan and Mullaunfin as shown in the Landed Estates Court Rentals, listing leassed land up for auction in 1855
- John Mordaunt (? - ?) was listed in the Tithe Applotment list occupying 1.75 acres. I have no other information on him except to surmise it was the home of the John Mordaunt holding land at Ballinclay, above, which was under two miles away. Of course, it could be a completely different person.
Mordaunts of Ramstown
- Laurence Mordaunt (abt. 1772 - 1846) married Mary Weslain (abt. 1772 - 1846) on 2nd March 1794 in Kilmuckridge. A gravestone inscription in a cemetery in Gorey reads:
"Erected by John Mordaunt of Ramstown in memory of his father Laurence Mordaunt who died 20th March 1846 age 74. Also his mother Mary who died 10th September 1846 age 74."
- John Mordaunt (abt. 1803 - 1st February, 1873), who married Mary (? - 1865). A gravestone insciption in a cemetery in Gorey reads:
"Erected by John Mordaunt of Ramstown in memory of his wife Mary who died 8th June 1865 aged 52 years. Also two children".
A death certificate records the passing of John Mordaunt, Farmer, Age 70, at Ramstown on 1st December 1873. (Wasn't there anyone to erect his gravestone?). A John Morning, a farmer, is listed in the Griffiths Valuation 1853 holding 34 acres in Ramstown Upper.
- Mary Mordaunt, a surviving daughter, married Terence Donnelly of Monaseed, a farmer on 5th July, 1870. (With thanks to Diedre Donnelly of Dublin,who found the connection while doing research into her family. Terence was her great-grandfather's brother. She has found no record of any children of the marriage.)
Another Mordaunt in Ramsdown, perhaps a brother of Laurance or at least a close relation was
- Patrick Mordaunt (b. unknown but probably around the 1760s) - the Sales Book of the Ram Estate 1870 (which I saw in Gorey in 1982 when it was in the private possession of a local historian) refers to "a house transferred on 1st December 1805 to John Inman, as trustee to Judith and Catherine Mordaunt, daughters of Patrick Mordaunt, for their lifetime. Judith since deceased
and Catherine still alive". This is confirmed by the records of Landed Estates Court Rentals, which dealt with the sale of bankrupted estates
- Judith Mordaunt (? - ?)
- Catherine Mordaunt (? - after 1870?)
Then there are two more Patrick Mordaunt records associated with Ramstown
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1794 - 1829) - from a gravestone in a cemetery in Gorey:
"Erected by Jain Mordaunt in memory of her husband Patrick, late of Ramstown, departed June 4th 1829 age 35".
- Patrick Mordaunt, quite possibly one of those already mentioned above, had a son
- John Mordaunt. The Sales Book of the Ram Estate 1870 records "John Mordaunt, son of Patrick Mordaunt, deceased, lease transferred from Steven Ram in 1866 for the life of the Prince of Wales or for 31 years". Which Patrick Mordaunt I do not know. Perhaps the younger seems more likely.
The name Laurence Mordaunt appears again, getting married to Margaret McDonald in Ferns on 28th July, 1845. This could be an otherwise previously undiscovered (by me) son, or some other previously undiscovered, by me, Mordaunt.
A confusion of other Mordaunts in the Griffiths Valuation
- A John Morning (sic) was listed in the Griffiths Valuation occupying a house, office and yard in the townland of Coolgreany in the parish of Inch.
- A John Morning (sic) was listed in the Griffiths Valuation occupying a house in the townland of Killynan in the parish of Kilmkilloge.
- A John Morning (sic), as mentioned above, was listed in the Griffiths Valuation occupying 34 acres of land in the townland of Ramstown Upper in the parish of Kilmkilloge.
- A Stephen Mordaunt occupied a house and garden in Coolookmore, Killenagh, at the Griffiths Valuation. A death certificate of a Stephen Mordaunt at Killenagh, aged 79, is dated 1875. I presume this is the Stephen Mordaunt, described as a labourer, at the marriage of his daughter
- Rose Mordaunt (b. about 1832), described as from Killenagh. Her age was given as 35 years when she married Peter Synott, a labourer, on 5th March, 1867.
Other early references
- James Mordaunt (abt. 1788 - 1866) – Speculatively he was the James Mordaunt farming in Ballynahillen above.
- James Morning and his wife Catherine Tool are described in the Ballyoughter parish record as from Ballydarrow , somewhere I cannot trace. Speculatively he could the James Mordaunt farming in Ballynahillen above.
- John Morning (b. 1815/1816), who was baptised in the church of Ballyoughter on 3rd January, 1816. His godparents were Michael and Betty Morning, two more I cannot place at this moment.
- Michael Morning was named as godfather to John Mordaunt, immediately above, at his baptism in Balloughter church on 3rd January, 1816.
- Betty Morning was named as a godmother to John Mordaunt, above, at his baptism in Balloughter church on 3rd January, 1816. Perhaps she was the wife of Michael Mordaunt, immediately above.
- George Morning, described as from Camolin, is named as the father, a Sally Neil the mother, of
- Edward Morning (b. 1815/1816) who was baptised in the church of Ballyoughter on 4th January, 1816. He is described as "spurious," an even more dismissive epithet used at the time for an illegitimate child.
The same couple baptised a daughter, also "spurious" some fifteen years later
- Onora Mordant (b. 1831) who was baptised in the church of Ballyoughter on 3rd December, 1831. For this I am grateful to my correspondent, Margaret Campion from the USA who also provided me with additional information about the family of George Morming/Mordaunt in Wicklow, below. She was looking for records of a Nora Morden, an Irish great great grandmother.
- George Morning, who my correspondent Peter Rodney,informed me, with his wife Betty were godparents a James Rodney on 24th November 1816. He is possibly the George Mordaunt of Ballynahillen, above.
- Another Ellen Mordaunt dates from this time. The death register index records an Ellen Mordaunt born about 1791 and died 1883 in the Gorey district. It does not state if she was/had been married. She is so close to Ellen, wife of Edward, that I may have their dates mixed up.
- George and Brian Mordaunt (probably born before 1800). - Killvey parish records show a George and his wife, Judith, having children baptised from 1825. They were also sponsors for Brian’s child born in 1827.
- A George Mordaunt, date of birth about 1800, born in Gorey, moved to England where he clearly flourished. He is recorded in the 1851 English census living in Nether Hallam, Sheffied, with his Sheffield-born wife, Anne Maria and two children. He is described as a "picture dealer". In the 1861 census, he is a "dealer in fine arts". His descendants, based around Sheffield, belong on the pages of the Mordaunts in Britain
- Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1804 - 1864). The death of a Michael Mordaunt was registered in the Gorey district
These Mordaunts from Wexford, born in the 1770s/80s/90s, lived through one or both of two major events of modern Irish history, the 1798 rebellion and the Potato Famine 1846/49.
The 1798 rebellion swept through North Wexford in a surprisingly short space of time. On May 26th, the first armed encounter in the county occured at The Harrow, only two miles west of Clone. On the following day, the battle of Oulart between insurgents and yeomanry, was fought only three miles south of Clone. Within days, Enniscorthy and Wexford had fallen. First the rebels, advanced north, committing atrocities against Protestants and loyalists and scavaging for food as they went and then the militia pushed them back south also committing atrocities and scavaging for food. The remnants took refuge on Vinegar Hill outside Enniscorthy where they were finally overrun on 21st June. All this passed through whatever landholdings the Mordaunts held at the time. They seem to have come through it relatively unscathed. For an brief guide to the 1798 rebellion visit this link and for interesting contemporary first hand accounts of the rebellion in Wexford try this link.
The Great Famine (1846/49). Caused by the failure of the potato crop, those who were tenant farmers of a reasonable sized plot would have been cushioned from the worst effects of the calamity. Denis's holdings of 105 acres and Stephen's of 126 acres would have been large for the time and indicate their families comparatively comfortably off. In 1845, for example, 24% of all Irish tenant farms were of one to five acres (0.4 to 2 hectares) in size, while 40% were of five to fifteen acres (2 to 6 hectares). A British Government report carried out shortly before the Great Hunger noted that the scale of the poverty was such that one third of all small holdings in Ireland were presumed to be unable to support their families, after paying their rent, other than through the earnings of seasonal migrant labour in England and Scotland. (Thanks to Wikipedia for that bit.)
I am grateful to Deirdre Donnelly who, while doing research into her own family. came across a book 'Historic Gorey 3. The Famine Years' by Michael Fitzpatrick. She very kindly forwarded to me a list of Mordants (sic) among those who died during the great Famine or from the resultant typhus:
George Mordant died 24th April 1849 in the workhouse aged 14
Rose Mordant died 22nd June 1849 in the workhouse aged 17
Catherine Mordant died 30th January 1850 in the workhouse aged 3
George Mordant died 10th March 1850 in Ramstown an infant
Laurence Mordant died 27th May 1850 in the workhouse aged 12
Stephan Mordant died 7th April 1851 in the workhouse aged 15
Richard Mordant died 20th December 1851 in the workhouse aged 2
Edwd. Mordant died 6th February 1852 in Boulacrena aged 68, probably the Edward Mordaunt, husband of Ellen, of Foxcover and Ballintlea above.
James Mordant died 25th May 1856 in Gorey aged 10
Jane Mordant died 29th August 1858 in the workhouse aged 40
It is probably worth remembering that, awful though we may now imagine workhouses were, their rudimentary facilities were often the nearest thing to a hospital that many poorer people in the area would have had.
The start of official records, 1865
The system of registering all births deaths and marriages was only introduced to Ireland in the 1860s. Searching through them I found one registrar had not paid attention on his training course. On marriage certificates there is a column headed "Condition." It is meant to record whether the person is a bachelor or spinster or widow etc. The registrar, as I have said, had not paid attention and he used the column to descibe their physical condition - "strong and healthy" or "sickly and weak." I only mention it here, not because it is rather funny but because of one entry I noted, "As you would expect of children of farmers," meaning fit and well fed.
Sadly it was not the case for all Mordaunts in the Gorey area. A search of the cemetries and birth, marriage and death certificates tell a different story. Mordaunts described as labourers or paupers, dying in the workhouses of the area. Even a 6 month old baby, Denis, in 1871 is described as a pauper on his death certificate! Spellings were very variable indicating these poorer Mordaunts were illiterate and that registrars or priests etc. were having to guess at spellings as best they could.
- George Mordaunt and his wife Anne Giles registered the births of the following children
- Stephen Mordaunt (12th June 1865 - ?) in Gorey
- Anne Mordaunt (24th August 1868 - ?)
- Margaret Mordaunt (1st January 1872 - ?) in Ballinclay
- George Mordaunt (29th June 1878 - ?)
- Stephen Mordant(sic)(? - ?), described as a labourer is listed on the marriage record of a daughter
- Anne Mordant (b. abt, 1841 - ?) married John Nochter, a 27 year-old widower, a baker, on 26th February, 1865. Present was a Patrick Mordant.
- Patrick Mordant (abt 1823 - 27th October, 1893 is described on his death certificate as a horse trainer from Clone. Clone suggests proximity to Denis Mordaunt above but I can find no connection.
Patrick, described as a horse trainer, was married to Anne Nolan on the birth record of
- Catherine Mordaunt (6th May, 1885 - ?). But that would have put Patrick aged 62 years at her birth, which seems unlikely
- Patrick Mordant (? - ?) and his wife, Eliza Graham registered the births of the following child
- Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1831 - ?) appeared at the 1911 census, a widow, living with her brother, Patrick Gahan, a widower aged 82, both described as farmers, and with two much younger married relatives, at house no, 2 in Mullaunreagh, Monamolin. It was a sizable house with six rooms and with extensive farm buildings. Mary was not at the house at the 1901 census when Patrick's wife was still alive. Where she was then, or where she 'suddenly' came from, I have no idea. I do wonder if she was the Mary, married to my great great uncle Myles, son of Denis above.
- Denis Mordaunt (abt 1851 - ?) was not recorded in the 1901 census but at the 1911 census was living and working on the farm of Patrick Rath in Ballyedmond, Wells.
- Patrick Mordaunt (? - before 1901) and his wife Margaret Byrne (abt. 1833 - 2nd April, 1915
) registered the birth of children in the 1870s. On his children's birth records and his death record he was described as a labourer but in the 1901 census and the 1911 census, Margaret was widowed, described as a retired farmer in Brackernaugh, Ballycanew. Perhaps he had laboured on a farm and therefore she counted that as him being a farmer. She had borne seven children of whom only three had survived to 1911. The death of a Margaret Mordaunt, age given as 82 years, was registered in Gorey district in 1915.
- Mary Mordaunt (10th May 1867 - ?). She must have died before the birth of her sister Mary in 1876
- Patrick Mordaunt (20th February, 1871 - ?), described as a general labourer in 1901 and as a farmer in 1911. He was not married in 1911.
- Mary Mordaunt (4th March 1876 - ?). She was not listed at home in the 1901 census,
- Catherine var. Katherine (Kate) Margaret Mordaunt (3rd July 1878 - ?) was at home in the 1901 and 1911 censuses. She married Peter Corcoran, a farmer, on 18th August, 1914
and a grandson to an unidentifed parent
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1890) - ?), described as a scholar in 1901 and as a farmer's son in 1911
- Patrick Mordant (b. before 1841- ?), described as a labourer in Dublin, but the son of an unnamed small farmer, married in Gorey a farmer's daughter, Susan Murphy on 15th January, 1865. Present at the wedding was an Edward Mordant. He is quite possibly the Patrick immediately below.
- Patrick Mordant (? - ?), a labourer, was named on the marriage record of a son
- John Mordant (b. abt 1868 - ?), also described as a labourer, who married Mary Murphy on 10th February, 1889.
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1843 - 12th February, 1874) described as a labourer, died a widower at just 31 years-old. He could possibly be one or both of the Patricks above.
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1841 - ?) was listed in the 1901 census as head of the household, married to Eliza/Elizabeth Mordaunt, (abt. 1846 - 25th January, 1915) born in County Wicklow. On her first child's birth record her maiden name was given as Graham. On the later records it was Grimes He was described as a general labourer, living in Georges Street, Gorey. Patrick died before the 1911 census. Elizabeth bore four children of whom only three had survived to 1911. The death of an Elizabeth Mordaunt, age given as 67 years, was registered in Gorey district in 1915. Living at home in both the 1901 and 1911 censuses were
- Jane Mordant (29th August 1872 - ?) in Gorey
- John Mordaunt (abt. 1875 - 12th February, 1954). He clearly worked his entire life as a gardener. He did not marry.
- James Mordaunt (26th August, 1881 - 19th October, 1961), working as a general labourer in both the 1901 and 1911 censuses. Curiously he is the one member of the family listed as unable to read.
- Elizabeth Mordaunt (22nd January, 1884 - ?). A little gamble placing her here but it fits nicely.
- James Mordaunt (b abt. 1877 - 26th December, 1959) of, as yet by me, untraced parents, was recorded in the 1901 census as a farm worker for Richard Sinnott at house 4 in Clone, Ballycarney. He married Margaret Quail (abt. 1884 - ?) in 1902 and was recorded in the 1911 census at house 13 in Clone, Ballycarney. Living with them, squeezed into a two room rented house, was Margaret's 80 year old grandmother, Mary Quail, and their then five children. None, except Margaret, could read or write.
- Mary Mordaunt (19th August, 1902 - ?)
- Elizabeth Mordaunt (abt. 1904 - ?)
- James Mordaunt, (27th June, 1906 - ?)
- Aiden Mordaunt, (16th June, 1909 - ?) James was prosecuted in 1919 for failure to ensure Aiden attended school.
- Margaret Mordaunt (1910 - 1913), aged 2 months at the 1911 census. The death of a 2 year-old Margaret Mordaunt was recorded in Gorey in 1913.
- Thomas Mordaunt (b. after 1911 - ?) was named on his father's death record.
- Margaret Mordaunt (b. abt 1913 - ?). I am jumping to the conclusion that there was a second Margaret, who aged 30 years and working as a domestic servant, married farm labourer, William Cooper, on 29th November, 1943
- John Mordant (sic), (1802 - 1st February,1873), described as a tradesman, married a Catherine Mallon (d. 1866) and, according to my correspondant, Jimmy Burke, they were the parents of
- George Mordant (abt. 1846 - 20th June 1928), born in Co. Wexford, served in the Royal Irish Constabulary. In the the 1901 census, however, he was working as a publican at 51 Mayors Walk, Waterford. He married Bridget Nolan (abt. 1855 - 7th February, 1934), from Waterford, on 5th November, 1876. By the 1911 census he had left the pub trade and had moved to the house directly opposite, 13 Mayors Walk, where he was living on his RIC pension. According to the 1911 census they had had a total of 8 children but only three had survived. Clearly they had spent some years in Tipperary, where three of their children were born.
- John Mordant (6th June 1878 (Ballybricken) - 15th June, 1899 (Mayor's Walk)). His birth and death were registered in Waterford.
- Michael Mordant (13th September 1879 (Patrick Str.) - 23rd September, 1893 (51 Mayor's Walk)). His death was registered in Waterford.
- Edward Mordant (8th November, 1881 - 21st October, 1907), born in Newport, Nenagh district, Co. Tipperary. In the 1901 census, age given as 19 years, he was still described as a scholar. He was described as a carpenter on his death record.
- Catherine Mordant (5th April, 1884 - 25th May, 1884). Her birth and death were registered in Roscrea, Thurles, Tipperary. Her father was a sergeant in the RIC by this time.
- Patrick Mordant (1885 - 11th November, 1885). His birth and death after two months were registered in Thurles, Tipperary.
- Mary Catherine Mordant (6th September, 1887 - 24th November, 1937), birth registered in the Thurles district, Co. Tipperary. Mary worked in the pub and died, unmarried, in Waterford.
- Another Patrick Mordant (20th January, 1888 - 28th May, 1960). Birth registered Borrisolegh, Thurles district, Co. Tipperary. In the 1911 census he was described as a clerk, then out of employment. He was possibly the only one of the eight who outived both his parents. He married Catherine McGuire, (1905 - 16th September 1972) at St. Mary's, Ballygunner, on 18th October, 1933.
- Bridget (Birdie) Mordaunt (b. 1934 - 27th February, 2015)
- Ita Mordaunt (b. 1936 - 23rd September, 2004). According to an occasional customer, my correspondant, Jimmy Burke, Ita was the last family licensee of the bar in the 1960s and 1970s. It seems it has deteriorated since, according to the Google Street View image taken in September 2017 (MORDANT Est. 1871 "The Tin Can") but still on view in August 2022, but the customer reviews were good.
- Ann Margaret Mordaunt , who married Henry Murphy from Stonyford, Kilkenny.
- Another Michael Mordant (1st February, 1895 - 12th December, 1918), born in Waterford City. A Michael Mordaunt from Waterford, age given as 17 years, was working as a stable lad in Bershire, England, in the 1911 UK census. The death of a Michael Mordaunt, born abt. 1895/6 was registered in Naas in County Kildare in 1919. They may or may not be the same person.
All the above family of George Mordaunt are interred in St. Mary's, Ballygunner, named Mordaunt and Mordant.
I am very grateful to my correspondent, Jimmie Burke, who kindly wrote to me in July 2022 with greater detail of George Mordant and his family.
- John Mordaunt, (abt. 1863 - 1904), and his wife Mary Murphy (abt. 1866 - ?) were both born in Co. Wexford but moved to 8, Watkin's Cottages, South City No 3, Dublin. In the 1901 census John was described as a labourer. He died before the 1911 census, leaving Mary a widow. The death of a Mary Mordaunt in Brackernagh, 23rd September, 1947 was registered in Gorey. She is possibly this Mary assuming she returned to Wexford from Dublin in her old age to be with friends or family.
- John Mordaunt, (abt. 1892 - 1935?), born Co Dublin, a brewery labourer in 1911.
- Margaret Mordaunt, (5th March, 1893), born Co Wexford, a laundress in 1911.
- James Mordaunt (8th May, 1895 - ?), born in Dublin, a brewery labourer in 1911
- George Mordaunt (b. abt. 1898), born Co Dublin, was at school in the 1911 census
- Patrick Mordaunt (28th September, 1889 - ?). His birth was recorded in Gorey.
- William Allen (b. abt. 1910), adopted, born in the city of Dublin
- George Mordant(sic) (? - before 1890), described as a farmer, was the father of
- George Mordant, (abt. 1846 - ?), also described as a farmer, who married Margaret Kinsella, (abt. 1858 - ?) on 30th September, 1890. I can find no family fit for either George.
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1831 - 1918?), described as married (but where was his wife?), was, at the 1911 census one of two lodgers with the five member Doyle family in their five roomed house at 1 Church Lane, Gorey. There was no mention of him in the 1901 census. The death of an 86 year-old Patrick Mordaunt was registered in Gorey in 1918.
- Elizabeth Mordaunt (abt. 1854 - ?) born in Wells, Wexford, according to the 1921 UK census. Her age given as 67 years, she was a teacher at an elementary school in York. Along with all the other teachers listed, she is described as an "inmate," a term we usually associate with prisoners and hospital patients. I am surprised I am unable to find her family.
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt.1859 - 27th November, 1927), married his wife Annie, (abt. 1861 - 6th September, 1916) in 1884. They were recorded in the 1901 census as a farmer in house 5 in Ferns Upper, Ferns, with their only child. They were again recorded at the 1911 census at house 8, Coolbaun, Ferns. They could read or write at the 1901 census but had apparently forgotten how to do so by the 1911 census! The death of a Patrick Mordaunt born about 1859 was registered in Enniscorthy in 1927. The death of an Annie Mordaunt born about 1857 was registered in Enniscorthy in 1916.
- May Kate Mordaunt (abt. 1886 - ?). She married Denis Kinsella, a farmer, on 2nd March, 1908. She was present at her father's death.
- Margaret Mordant (sic) (abt. 1855 - ?), born in Co. Wexford, was, at the 1901 census, one of 111 inmates at the Workhouse, house 3 in Ramstown Lower. She was described as a widow, a servant and unable to read or write.
- Mary Mordant (sic) (abt. 1868 - 1907). Her death was registered in Gorey district. She could be the daughter of Michael Mordaunt and Mary Anne Ireton above but, there again, she may not be.
- Mary Mordant (sic) (abt. 1871 - ?), born in Co. Wexford, was, at the 1901 census in Dublin working as a cook and living in with the large Moran family at house 30 in Hollybrook Road, Clontarf West. I think there is a good chance she was the Mary Mordaunt in the 1911 census, working as a shopkeeper and lodging in Shelbourne Road, Dublin, although it was recorded that she was born in Dublin.
- Jane Mordant (sic) (abt. 1875 - ?), born in Co. Wexford was, at the 1911 census, single and working as a servant at house no. 8, Main Street, Arklow, Co, Wicklow, to Edward Norris, pawnbroker, a family of 6 in an 8 roomed house.
- Esther Mordaunt (abt. 1882 - 1914). Her death was registered in Gorey in 1914, according to the familysearch.org transcription.
- Esther Mordaunt (1901 - ?). Her birth was registered in Gorey in 1901. Her parents were apparently not recorded, according to the familysearch.org transcription
- Pte J. Mordaunt from Gorey was wounded or shell-shocked or missing after the battle of Ginchy and Guillemont in October 1916. He was serving with the 6th Royal Irish Regiment
- James Mordaunt (b. 1939) was born in County Wexford, Ireland. He moved to Lancashire and with his partner, Joy Smith, he had a number of children born in Leigh, within the Ormskirk registration district, and Wigan
- James Anthony Mordaunt (b. 1970) was born in Ormskirk. He married Michelle Green in Salford in September 2003. Today he lives in New Zealand, where he is better known as Tony Mordaunt.
- James Mordaunt (b. 2009 )
- Martin Francis Mordaunt (b. 1971) was born in Leigh. He is now living in San Francisco
- Marie Louisa Mordaunt (b. 1973) was born in Leigh. She married in Wigan in April 1991 but has since divorced.
- Shaun Frederick Mordaunt (b. 1993) was born in Wigan. He reverted to the name Mordaunt by deed poll.
- Tara Sarah Mordaunt (b. 1981) was born in Wigan and now lives in Leigh.
- Ollie Michael Grimes (b. 2006)
- Oscar Mark Grimes (b. 2010)
James married Ann M. Bennett in Leigh in May 1985 but sadly they divorced a few years later.
I am very grateful to Shaun Mordaunt for finding my website and spotting gross errors and I am very grateful to his mother, Maria Mordaunt, for writing to me and correcting them as well as providing much additional information about her family.
Unplaced (by me) Mordaunts from the deaths registers
- The death of a Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1784 - 6th February, 1854) is recorded
- The death of a James Mordaunt (abt. 1789 - 1867) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a Stephen Mordaunt (abt. 1799 - 13th May, 1875) was registered in Gorey district. He was a widower described as a labourer.
- The death of a Bridget Mordaunt (abt. 1800 - 11th May, 1891) was registered in Gorey district. She was a widow, described as a servant, who seems to have lived her later years in the workhouse.
- The death of a Stephen Mordant (abt. 1806 - 23rd December, 1882) was registered in Ramstown. He was described as an numarried labourer.
- The death of a Peter Mordant (abt. 1812 - 3rd October, 1882) was registered in Gorey district. He was described as a bachelor farmer, but where his farm was is a mystery.
- The death of a Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1813 - 5th January, 1895) was registered in Gorey district. He was a batchelor, age given as 82 years, described as a horse trainer.
- The death of a Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1824 - 1892) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1825 - 15th May, 1898) was registered in Gorey district. He was described as unmarried and a farmer, living in Lyrane, A Stephen Mordaunt was the informant. Could Patrick have been a brother of George Mordaunt of Lyrane, above?
- The death of a Michael Mordaunt (1826 - 1902) was registered in Gorey district. I have not traced him in the 1901 census
- The death of a Catherine Mordaunt (abt. 1830 - 1st March, 1895 was recorded in Enniscorthy in the Workhouse, which in those days also doubled as the hospital. She was a widow whose profession was unkown.
- The death of a George Mordaunt (abt. 1834 - 10th February, 1892) from Killenagh was registered in Gorey district. He was described as a labourer. His wife Margaret could not write.
- The death of an Anne Mordant (abt. 1838 - 1867) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a Partick Mordaunt (abt. 1838 - 25th July, 1885) was registered in Gorey district. He was described as a married labourer.
- The death of an Ellen Mordaunt (abt. 1838 - 1899) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of an Edward Mordaunt (abt. 1841 - 1869) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a 20year-old Anne Mordaunt (abt. 1848 - 1868) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a George Mordaunt (abt. 1848 - 3rd December 1903), a harbour master, was registered in Gorey district. I have not traced him anywhere else. How did these people keep evading censuses and every other record all their lives.
- The death of a James Mordaunt (abt. 1857 - 7th May, 1893) was registered in Enniscorthy district. Unmarried, he was described as a private in the 2nd Royal Irish Fusileers, but was listed as dying in in the local Workhouse.
- The death of a Denis Mordaunt (about 1858 - 13th January, 1932) was registered in Gorey district. For a 73 year-old farmer from Ballymuraugh, with a sister-in-law Mary, he is surprising difficult to trace or locate. I have not traced him either in the 1901 or 1911 censuses.
- The death of a six year-old Catherine Mordaunt (abt. 1864 - 1870) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a twelve year-old Anne Mordaunt (abt. 1864 - 1st March, 1876) was registered in Gorey district. The daughter of a labourer, present at her death was a Margaret Mordaunt.
- The death of a Mary Mordaunt (1867 - 1947) was registered in Gorey district. She may be listed above but I have not been able to identify her.
- The death of a six year-old Margaret Mordaunt (abt. 1868 - 1874) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a six year-old James Mordaunt (abt. 1869 - 1875) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a four year-old Miles Mordaunt (abt. 1871 - 1875) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a baby Denis Mordaunt (1871 - 1871) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a two year-old Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1873 - 1874) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a nine year-old Elizabeth Mordaunt (abt. 1884 - 26th September, 1893) was registered in Gorey district. She was described as the daughter of a labourer. Her mother was named as Eliza Mordaunt.
- The death of a baby Mary Ann Mordaunt (abt. 1899 - 1899) was registered in Gorey district.
- The death of a Margaret Mordaunt (about 1845 - 22nd February, 1902), widowed and working as a servant, was registered in Gorey district. I have not traced her in the 1901 census
- The death of a Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1909 - 1926) was registered in Gorey district. I have not traced her in the 1911 census.
- The death of a Jane Mordaunt, unmarried, a housekeeper, (abt. 1873 - 3rd March, 1943) was registered in Gorey. So far there are two possible Janes above, born about the same time. A James Mordaunt, unable to read or write, even in 1943, was present at her death. Could Jane have been a daughter to Patrick and Eliza Mordaunt, above, and had left home to work as a housekeeper by the 1901 census. The name Jane somehow fits nicely with having brothers John and James.
- The death of an Ellen Mordaunt (abt. 1887 - 13th March, 1947), aged 60, married, housekeeper, was registered in Gorey district. I have otherwise been able to trace her.
- The death of a Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1847 - 23rd September, 1947), widow of a labourer, was registered in Gorey district. Possibly she was the widow of the John Mordaunt, above, who moved to work in Dublin.
- The death of a Margaret Mordaunt (abt. 1884 - 15th June, 1963) was registered in Wexford after dying in the county hospital. Living in the Ferns/Enniscorthy area and the widow of a farmer I am surrised I have not been able to trace her in family trees above.
- The death of a 5 month-old Patrick Mordaunt (1963 - 1963) from Ballymuragh, Wells was registered in Gorey district. His father was a Patrick Mordaunt, described as a farmer.
County Wicklow
- Edward Morning (sic), sometimes recorded as Ned and his wife Elizabeth Dempsey, sometimes Eliza or Betty, had a several children baptised in Tomacork/Carnew. I have found nothing more about them. Despite this, he could still fit with one of the Mornings/Mordaunts of Wexford above.
- George Morning (sic) ( ? - before 1852) was recorded in the Tithe Applotment of around 1829 as occupying 36 acres in the townland of Coolilugg in the parish of Kilpipe in the county of Wexford. A little confusinng - the parish of Kilpipe stretches over the border with Wexford and Wicklow. Modern Coolalugg, presumably the same place, is now very much in County Wicklow. Unusualy for this early date, most of the church records of his children use the name Mordaunt and not Morning like almost all the church records of other Mordaunts in the area. He married Judith Hawlan . He must have died fairly young as it is Judith who is listed in the Griffiths Valuation list 1852/3 leasing 96 acres of house, offices and land with the substantial rateable value of Ł26 from Earl Fitzwilliam at Curraghlawn, Kilpipe. She was subleasing a house to a John Byrne. I suspect records of a number of other children have not emerged yet on Internet genealogical websites.
I had only found records of five children so I am grateful to my correspondent, Margaret Campion, who kindly wrote to me of an additional four children she had discovered.
- Mary Mordaunt (1821 - ?) was baptised in Coolalug on 22nd November, 1821.
- Elizabeth Mordaunt (1823 - before 1835) was baptised in Coolalug on 13th June, 1823. I presume she died young because a later daughter was also called Elizabeth or Eliza.
- Ann Mordaunt (1829 - ?) was baptised in Coolalug on 9th May, 1825.
- Patrick Mordaunt (1829 - ?) was baptised in Coolalug on 8th February, 1829.
- Stephen Mordaunt (1832 - 16th May, 1905) was baptised in Killaveny on 19th May, 1832. Years later, in the 1901 census he is described as farmer but living with a very much younger brother who is listed as the head of the family. His death was registered in Shillelagh.
- Joseph Mordaunt (1833 - ?) was baptised in Coolalug on 28th November, 1833.
- Eliza Mordaunt (1835 - ?) was baptised in Coolalug on 25th October, 1835. I presume her older sister, Elizabeth, had died. My correspondent, Margaret Campion, whose DNA test shows a link to Wexford/Wicklow Mordaunts, puts forward the reasonable proposition that she was the Eliza Mordaunt who arrived, according to her research, on 5th September, 1851, on the ship Kalamazoo from Liverpool to New York. Her age was given as 23 years when this Eliza would have been 28 years but peoples recorded ages from this time are very unreliable. Margaret found that an Eliza Morden (sic) was married to John Campion (? - 1860), a teamster, in the 1855 New York State census while no Eliza Morden or Mordaunt appears in the 1850 census. They were both present at the Ist June, 1860, census but John was interred only three weeks later in Albany on 22nd June, 1860. So, given her DNA links to Wexford Mordaunts, Margaret is reasonably confident that this Eliza Mordaunt is her great great grandmother.
An alternative to this suggested by the marriage record of an Eliza Mordaunt, daughter of a farmer, George Mordaunt who married John Caulfield, a farmer, on 6th January, 1889. This, however, would have meant she was 54 years old.
- Peter Mordaunt (1842 - ?) was baptised in Coolalug on 10th July, 1842.
- George Mordaunt (abt. 1843 - 12th June, 1904) a farmer, was occupying the farm at Curraghlawn at the 1901 census. He was listed as head of the family although his elder brother Stephen was living there also. By the 1911 census, his widowed wife, Margaret Kinsella (abt. 1859 - 22nd March, 1937) from Wexford was 52 years old. The family appeared, helpfully, in the a Cheesman family history website which I had found and linked to but which, unfortunately, no longer seems to exist. They had married on 30th September 1890 in Askamore Catholic Church, Askamore, Gorey, (Margaret was a Wexford girl). They are both buried in Annancurra, Aughrim, Co. Wicklow.
- George Mordaunt (18th August, 1891 - 19th August, 1891). He died one day old.
- Johanna Mordaunt (22nd August, 1892 - ?)
- Julia Mordaunt (1892 - 1976). Mike Hanley, now of Clearwater, Florida, kindly wrote in my Guest Book on 5th October 2011 that he delivered mail to Julia, then of Toberpatrick, during the 1950s. She had never married and was the only Mordaunt then in the immediate district. He remembers "Julia was a kind soul and always had a hot mug of tea ready which was much appreciated on a cold and wet Irish winter day."
- George Mordaunt (26th June, 1894 - 1924). His death was registered in Shillelagh. He was still in his 20s.
- Thomas Mordaunt (2nd December, 1895 - 1927). His death was recorded in Shillelagh in early 1927. He too was still in his 20s.
- Sarah/Sally Mordaunt (29th November, 1896 - 1967) married George Graham.
- Mary Mordaunt (10th March, 1898 - 1st April, 1898) died just aged 20 days-old.
- Peter Mordaunt (2nd September, 1899 - 1982) married Julia Byrne (? - 1987).
- Stephen Mordaunt (6th January, 1902 - 1973).
With the family at the 1901 census was an unmarried niece, Mary Corcoran (abt. 1881 - ?), described as a farmer's daughter. She was not with them in the 1911 census
- George Mordant(sic) (? - ?), described as a farmer, from Ballaugh, Kilaveney, was recorded on the marriage record of a son
- Patrick Mordant (b. before 1857 - ?), of full age, also described as a farmer, who married Mary Deegan, also described as a farmer, on 10th October, 1878.
Clearly all these Georges are linked but the birth and marriage dates are so far apart there is not enough other information to link them together.
- George Mordant(sic) (? - ?), described as a farmer, from Ballaugh, Kilaveney, was recorded on the marriage record of a son
- William Mordant (b. before 1870 - ?), also described as a farmer, who married Lucy Kavanagh, a dressmaker, on 4th July, 1891. Present were Patrick and Julia Sinnot, which suggeste a close relationship with Lucy Sinnott, the wife of William Mordaunt, immediately below, but I cannot quite see what
- William Mordaunt (abt. 1848 - ?), born in County Wicklow, was described as a grocer on the birth record of his daughter, Julia, in 1892 and as a farmer at Balleeshal, Aughrim in the 1901 census, married to Lucy Sinnott (abt. 1865/8 - 19th December, 1901), who worked as a dressmaker. The marriage of a William Mordaunt was recorded in the Rathdrum registration district in 1891. Lucy died very soon after the 1901 census, her age given as 43 years. William is not recorded in the 1911 census; the death of a William was recorded in 1906 but his age was recorded as 45 years, therefore born about 1861.
- Julia Mordaunt (14th June, 1892 - ?). At the 1911 census she and her brother were living or staying with her widower grandfather, John Sinnott, a farmer, his son Patrick with his wife Julia. I presume this is the Julia who married a farmer, James Horan, on February 10th, 1926
- William Mordaunt (21st September, 1895 - ?). He married Lizzie O'Keefe on 26th November, 1925.
- unnamed Mordaunt (9th October, 1897 - 9th October, 1897) died after 40 minutes from "exhaustion from birth."
- John Mordant(sic) (? - ?), described as a farmer , was recorded on the marriage record of his daughter Julia. Could his wife have been the Julia Mordaunt (abt. 1786 - 13th November, 1873) described as married, 77 year-old. Present at her death was a Patrick Mordaunt.
- Julia Mordant (abt 1836 - ?), who married James Byrne, a farmer, on 5th September, 1866. Present was an Eliza Mordant.
- Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1848 - ?), born in County Wicklow, was a farmer at Killinure in the 1901 census, married to Mary (abt. 1849 - ?). Living with them, described as a farmer's son. was a nephew, John Deegan, aged 14. Neither Patrick nor Mary are recorded in the 1911 census.
- Edward Mordaunt (about 1825 - 8th January, 1895> married Anna/Anne Ward (abt. 1824 - 4th March, 1889) in Arklow, (a previous Internet link no longer works) on 18th February 1857. On both Anna's and his own death records he is described as a horse trainer. That must have meant that he owned land, horses and money, unless he was more of an assistant to the horse trainer.
th December,
- Michael Mordant(sic) (? - ?), described as a farmer , was recorded on the marriage record of his daughter
- Mary Mordant (b. before 1876 - ?), of full age, who married Thomas Behan, a farmer, on 1st June, 1897
- Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1860 - 3rd April, 1907) seems to have been an itinerant worker. He and his wife, Julia Holden (abt. 1874 - ?) from Westmeath, are not recorded in the 1901 census. Their daughter was born in England and their son was born in County Kerry. At his death, in Kerry, Michael was working as a gardener. I feel sorry for Julia. By the 1911 census she was a young widow, working as a laundress supporting her two young children. She had ended up in a three room rented house in east Wicklow, Sub-District Avoca, the Parish of Castlemacadam, the Barony of Arklow, the Townland of Ballanagh, the District Electoral Division of Ballyarthur. This was a long way from Westmeath and a very long walk from the support of the nearest possible Mordaunt relation, leaving her quite isolated. Where Michael originated I do not know.
- Elizabeth Mordaunt (abt. 1902 - ?). The 1911 census records she was born in England but I have not found her name in the England records..
- Peter Patrick Mordaunt (21st August 1905 - ?) 1905), born in Kerry, was baptised in Killorglin on 25th August 1905.
- Catherine Mordaunt, described simply as "of full age," a widow, married John Neill, blacksmith, both from Coolgreney, in Arklow on 23rd January, 1968. I do not know if the "alias, Kearon(?), was her maiden name of widowed name.
- Peter Mordaunt (abt. 1837 - 22nd September,1902). His death was registered in Rathdrum district. He was described as a widower and worked as a caretaker. I have not traced him in the 1901 census. His death record was verified by a daughter
- Mary Josephine Mordaunt (b. before 1889 - ?). Described as of full age, she married a farmer, John Coffey, on 2nd February, 1910.
- Mary Mordant (sic) (abt. 1871 - ?), born in Co. Wicklow, was, at the 1901 census, an unmarried housemaid, domestic servant, with Albert Wynne, a civil and mining engineer, and his family in a substantial house, no. 2 in Cherrymount, Cronebane.
Unplaced (by me) Mordaunts from the deaths registers
- The death of Anne Mordaunt (abt. 1824 - 4th March, 1889) was registered in Rathdrum district. She ws described as the widow of a wine merchant, if I have read it correctly. which makes it surprising there was no other record of her or her husband.
- The death of William Mordant(sic) (abt. 1861 - 22nd June, 1906), described as an unmarried, 45 year-old labourer.
- The death of a baby George Mordaunt (abt. 1875 - 1879) was registered in Shillelagh district.
- The death of a baby boy Mordaunt (abt. 1897 - 1897) was registered in Rathdrum district.
- The death of Elizabeth Jane Mordaunt (abt. 1875 - 16th January, 1960) was registered in Rathdrum district. A widow, age given as 85 years, her address given was 8 Brennans Tee, Bray.
- The death of Patrick Mordant (abt. 1837 - 25th March, 1907) was registered in Shillelagh district. Described as a married farmer, his date of birth does not quite fit two possible Patrick's above.
Unknown origins
- Bridget Mordaunt (abt. 1785 - 15th July, 1874). Her death was registered in Trim district, County Meath. Unmarried, age given as 89 years-old, working as a housekeeper. Did people ever retire in those days?
- Hannah Mordant (sic) (abt. 1788 - ?), described as an orange dealer, unmarried, aged 73 years in the 1851 English census was staying in the Edmonton, London, District Union Workhouse.
- Hannah Mordant (sic) (abt. 1811 - ?), described as a "Travler" and married in the 1861 English census was being detained at Brideswell Street House of Correction in Warwick. With her was a 10 year-old girl, Mary Mordant; her daughter or her granddaughter?
- Mary Mordaunt (abt 1833 - ?) married ? Casey and is listed in the 1861 English census in Manchester, working as a dressmaker, with two daughters. Living with her, working as a house servant, was a 19 year-old sister Annie Mordaunt. Both were listed as born in Ireland,
- Edward Mordant (sic) (abt. 1834 - ?), born somewhere in Ireland, was working as a market porter in Wapping, Tower Hamlets, London, in the 1861 English census
- John Mordant (sic) (1840 - ?), aged 20 was listed in the 1861 English census, working as a painter and lodging in Bethnal Green, London.
- Kate Annie Morden (sic) (before 1859 - ?), described as of full age, was recorded marrying a Benjamine Stephenson. a merchant on 19th April, 1880. A note seems to say she came from Newcastle in England. Her father is named as George Morden, described as a "gentleman." There were not that many around in Dublin. I have not been able to find him on the Mordaunts in the Rest of Britain page. I wonder if he was the husband of the widow, Marie Mordaunt, in the section "Unplaced (by me) Mordaunts in the death register" for Dublin, below.
- John Morden (sic) (1864 - ?), aged 19.25 years, serving as a soldier in the 2nd Lancs Regiment, married local girl(?), Maria Carrigan, in Enniscorthy, Fermanagh, on 19th December, 1885. His father, deceased, was a Henry Morden, described as a "gentleman" (though what a "gentleman's" son was doing as a private soldier I cannot think), who I have not been able to trace from the UK.
- Michael Morden (sic) (1884 - 9th December, 1968). His death was recorded in Cashel, Tipperary, an unmarried labourer supposedly 89 years old.
- Catherine Mordaunt (1884 - ?). Her birth was registered in Roscrea district (for Laois of Offaly or Tipperary)
- Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1895 - 13th December, 1918). His death was recorded in Naas, Kildare. He was described as a groom
- Mary Mordaunt (1908 - ?). Her birth was registered in Naas district (for Kildare or Wicklow)
- Patrick Mordaunt (1910 - ?). His birth was registered in Naas district (for Kildare or Wicklow)
- Elizabeth Mordaunt was godmother to John Drennan in December 1778 in St. Audoen's parish, Dublin.
- John Mordaunt married Mary Butler at St. Andrew's Church, Dublin, on 16th January, 1793.
- Eleanor Mordaunt was buried at St. Paul's Church of Ireland church in Dublin on 19th March 1793
- Patrick Mordaunt appears in a WorldVitalRecords.com transcription of a 1851 Dublin census at 6, Halpins Row, St. Thomas's North.
- Patrick Mordaunt (b. anytime before 1835), married to Mary of North Strand, Rathdown, was described as a clerk on the wedding record of their daughter
- Catherine/Kate Mordaunt (b. before 1859), described as a housekeeper of full age, married a widower merchant, James Carroll on 15th January, 1880. Presumably she died before 1891 when James married his sister-in-law
- Margaret Mordaunt (b. before 1870), described as a housekeeper of full age, who married James Carroll on 31st January, 1891
- Elizabeth/Lizzie Mordaunt was a witness at the wedding of Catherine Mordaunt. I am jumping to the conclusion she was a sister and also the Elizabeth Mordaunt who married cattle dealer Patrick Ward at the Pro Cathedral, Marlborough Street, on 21st September 1892. Her sister Julia was a witness.
- Julia Mordaunt was a witness at the wedding of both Margaret and Elizabeth Mordaunt. I am jumping to the conclusion she was a sister.
- Michael Mordaunt (b. abt 1780s/early 1790s), a painter, according to Tim Wheeler doing research into this branch of the family, appears on his son's marriage certificate in Liverpool. The son:
- Patrick Mordaunt, (abt. 1804 - 30th May, 1877), appears in the 1851 English census as a widower, living in Liverpool with his 13 year old son, Gerald, both working as cordwainers (skilled shoemakers).
(abt 1838 - 1878) stayed in Liverpool, married, had a family and died in 1878. His family details are recorded on the Lancashire Mordaunts page.
Patrick then married Caroline Gurnell in 1851 and had a son. His wife, Caroline, died shortly after.
- Elijah Mordaunt Apparently taken to Ireland while still very small, he reappears in the English marriage records, marrying Elizabeth "Betsey" Hammond, (1859 - 1946), born in Dover, in the naval port town of Medway in 1876. He had joined the Royal Navy and was recorded in the 1881 England census as a stoker on HMS Defence. Betsey's parents had moved to Caistor in Lincolnshire and her and Elijah's eldest son was born there in 1881.
Elijah left the navy and moved over to Ireland, working for the Coastguard in different corners of Ireland, indicated by the birthplaces of some their children:
- George Edward Mordaunt (12th December 1882 - 1973). His birth was registered in Kenmare, County Kerry
- Sarah Caroline (Carrie) Mordaunt (14th August, 1884 - 1978). Her birth was registered in Kenmare, County Kerry
- Charles Hammond Mordaunt (26th January, 1887 - ?). A twin with hsi brother William. His birth was registered in Kenmare, County Kerry. The English 1911 census says he was born in Lackeen Place.
- William Henry Mordaunt (26th January, 1887 - 1978). His birth was registered in Kenmare, County Kerry
- Elizabeth (Dolly) Pearl Mordaunt (1st January 1889 - 1992). Her birth was registered in Glenties district, Donegal
- Rose Clara Mordaunt (6th April, 1891 - 1978). Her birth was registered in Milford district, Donegal. The English census says in Mulbury.
The family moved to Lincolnshire where they had four more children. More detail of this family can be found on the Mordaunts in the Rest of Britain page.
Thanks to Elaine Mordaunt and her partner, Tim Wheeler, and to Debbie Alty and Elizabeth Ehrenfried, descendents of Elijah, who provided additional information.
Patrick married a third time, to Mary Ann Malone, in Liverpool in 1855. They had a daughter:
- Rachel Mordaunt (1857 - 1860) was christened at St. Peter's, Liverpool, on 9th April, 1857.
After the birth of Rachel, Patrick and his family, less Gerald, disappear from the English records and are assumed to have returned to Dublin. The burial of the 3 year-old Rachel Mordaunt, of Ringsend, took place at the Royal Chapel of St. Matthew, Ringsend, on 9th July 1860. His death was recorded in the Rathdown district of Dublin.
There is some debate within the family as to how many times Patrick married. His great grandson, Patrick, believes that he married a fourth time, to another Mary Ann. Others reason that the variation in records between the names Malone, Maloney and Malloy were clerical errors by the record keepers, not uncommon in old written records. Confusing is that, while the mother's name remains fairly consistent in subsequent records, the father's name varies between Joseph and Elijah. Whatever, and by whomever, a Mary Ann Mordaunt had further children:
- Rebecca Mordaunt (b. 1859?). She married Thomas McLoughlin, a bottle-blower from Scotland on on 4th November 1877, her age given as 18 years. She was unable to sign the register and her father was dead. I am grateful to her 2 x great granddaughter, Karen Fowler née Murray who contacted me and told me that Rebecca had at least two children:
- Catherine (Kate) McLoughlin who married James Murray, who were Karen's great grandparents
- Rebecca McLoughlin who married James Memery
Karen explained that some their present day descendents are still living close to each other in Ringsend, in the heart of Dublin where she herself grew up, describing it as a very tight knit community.
- James Mordaunt (1864 - 1943). He married Hannah Kirwin (abt. 1868 - 1902) in 1886. They were listed in the 1901 census living in the Pembroke East and Donneybrook district. James was recorded as a sailor. This may explain why, in the 1911 censuses, the children were living with their aunts, Mary Ann with her aunt Johanna and Patrick with his aunt Rebecca. Was he the James Mordaunt, widower, aged 74 years, fisherman, whose death was registered in Dublin 29th May, 1943. Was Hannah the Honora, married to a fisherman, whose death ws recorded on 26th July, 1902
- Mary Anne Mordaunt (20th February, 1890 - ?). In the 1911 census she was staying with her aunt Johanna in Fitzwilliam Quay. She married a soldier, Christopher Hogan in Donnybrook on 20th November, 1916.
- Patrick Mordaunt (6th March, 1897 - ?). In the 1911 census he was staying with his aunt Rebecca in York Terrace. Like other members of his family he worked in the bottle factory but enlisted in the Royal Navy during WWI. He had at least one son
- Patrick Mordaunt who in turn has at least one son
- Jason Mordaunt. I am very grateful to Jason Mordaunt who very kindly contacted me with details his family. He also explained that the reason why so many family members worked at a glass factory was that the Irish Glass Bottle Company was situated in Ringsend and was a major employer in the area.
- An unnamed Mordaunt (born 15th May, 1899). A boy. Presumably, he died very soon after.
- Julia Mordaunt (10th February, 1901 - 28th July, 1901). At her birth her father was described as a fisherman.
- Johanna Mordaunt (16th September 1866 - ?). Her father seems to be written as Eliza! In the record of her baptism at the Royal Chapel of St. Matthew, Ringsend, on 7th October 1866, her parents were named as Elijah Mordaunt, a shoemaker, and Mary Ann Malloy. She married James Nolan, a bottle maker on 30th September, 1899. This time her father was named as Patrick Mordaunt. She was described as a shopkeeper
- Elias Mordaunt (28th March, 1872 - 28th December, 1901). Patrick, father of Jason, above, is quite firm in his conviction that Elias was a half brother to other members of the family. An entry for his birth, dated 28th March 1872, gives his parents as Joseph Mordaunt and Mary-Anne Malone. An Elias Mordaunt married in 1895. In a transcription of the parish record of the baptism of his son, Patrick Joseph, below, he is listed as Elijah and was living in Holles Street. In 1901 he and his wife, Jane Crabbe (abt. 1873 - 26th August, 1948), born in Dublin, were recorded in the 1901 census in Scotland with their second son, Patrick. Their eldest son, however, was staying with her parents, Edmund and Jane Crabbe in Bridge Street, Ringsend, Pembroke East. Elias died in Glasgow of TB (phthisis pulmonalis). Jane is listed in the 1911 census with her two sons staying with her parents, now moved to Pembroke Cottages, Pembroke East. She was working as a servant. On her death certificate she is described as the widow of a glass worker. I am very grateful to their great grandson Declan Mordaunt for contacting me to add details of the family and to his son Dylan Mordaunt for adding still more.
- Edmund/Edmond Mordaunt (b. abt 1895), born in Glasgow, possibly while the parents were in Britain doing seasonal work, was mentioned in the 1901 census, staying with his grandparents Crabbe, presumably while the parents were again away for seasonal work. In 1911, aged 16, he was described as a bottle worker. Listed as a ship wright he married 1. Jane Doyle (abt. 1898 - 17th March, 1927) in Donnybrook on 3rd October, 1920 and they had children:
- Eamonn Mordaunt. He too worked in a glass factory. He married Maureen Leech
- Ciaran Mordaunt
- Noeleen Mordaunt (b. 1948) was born in Dublin. She married Brendan Lynch. They have six children and now live in Portugal. I am very grateful to Noeleen for making contact through the Guest Book.
- Andrew Noel Mordaunt. He too worked in a glass factory.
- Colm Mordaunt married Betty Warren.
- Paul Mordaunt
- John Mordaunt
- Theresa Mordaunt. She married David Lellouche but later divorced. She lives in France
- Yann Lellouche
- Karl Lellouche
- Sara Lellouche
- Noel Mordaunt. He married Linda Fennelly.
- Declan Mordaunt. He is a partner with a well known, world-wide accountancy firm in Qatar, having previously been with them in New Zealand. He married Geraldine Lacy
- Trevor Mordaunt. He works as a manager at a famous London Hotel
- Dylan Mordaunt. He is a doctor in Adelaide, Australia
- Siobhan Mordaunt. She is a lawyer in Wellington, New Zealand
- Eamonn Mordaunt. His wife is Jackie Was he the Eamonn Mordaunt whose death was recorded in 1965, aged 43 years?
- Paul Mordaunt
- Natasha Mordaunt
- Catlin Mordaunt
- Bernadette Mordaunt. She married Eugene Connell
- Megan Connell
- Lee-Ann Connell
Growing up with Andrew's family was a cousin Lisa Hyland who married Alan Heade and has one child, Aishling.
Edmund/Edmond, curiously described as a batchelor, married 2. Catherine/Kate FitzPatrick on 6th January, 1935. They had a child
- Elias Bernard Mordaunt. He died without children
- Patrick Joseph Mordaunt (abt. 1896 - ?), born in Dublin and baptised at St. Andrew's, Dublin, in 1896. In the 1911 census he was still at school. He later worked as a shoemaker.
The death of a Patrick Mordaunt, born about 1813, on 24th August, 1875 was registered in Rathdown in 1875. Present was a Mary Mordaunt. While this seems to match this Patrick, he is described as a storekeeper, which causes me to hesitate.
George Mordaunt, a gardener, and hs wife, Elizabeth Stedmond were both living in Pembroke Cottages, Donnybrook, very close to some of those named above, according to the birth record of
Luke Mordaunt is the only Mordaunt listed in Dublin the 1853 Griffiths Valuation, occupying 66 Bride Street, St. Bridget, the immediate lessor being a Samual Murray. Luke himself was listed as the immediate lessor of nos. 62, 62 1/2, 63 and 64 which were let out to tenants and lodgers. Could he have been the Luke Mordant (sic), born 1822, whose death was registered in Dublin South in 1868?
George Mordaunt (abt. 1835 - 10th September, 1875) was a grocer on Camden Street. He married Grace Cullen (abt. 1826/31 - 3rd December,1906). Born in Co. Dublin, she was a widow in the 1901 census, living in a large 10 room house with her 60 year-old sister, Brigid Cullen, at house 691 in Terenure Road, Rathmines. The census suggests a birth year of 1831 but the death register suggests 1826. They registered the births of the following children
- Patrick Mordaunt (b. before 1862 - ?), of full age, married Margaret Towson on 26th September, 1883. He was described as a grocer, his father as a merchant
- Anastasia Mordaunt (abt. 1863 - 26th February, 1871
- Michael John Mordaunt (16th May 1865 - ?) in Dublin
- Elizabeth Mary Mordaunt (14th September 1866 - 15th June, 1881) in Dublin
- Luke David Mordaunt (12th September 1868 - ?) in Dublin. Luke is not that common a name which leads me to speculate whether he is the grandson of the Luke, above, the only Mordaunt named in the Griffiths Valuation in Dublin. This luke was described as a merchant on his marriage record, as a travellor on his first son's birth record and as agent on his second son's record. He married Theresa Brazil on 8th August, 1899. I am grateful to John Brazil who kindly wrote to explain that the family Brazil, var. Brazill, Brazzill, Brassill, was recorded in Enniscorthy in the 1600s, and in Kilnahue, near Gorey, in the 1800s, raising the possibility this family originated in Wexford.
Ellen Mordaunt and her husband Michael Ford were the parents of
William Mordaunt was a witness at the marriage of Wm Woolley and Eliza Carpenter at St Thomas's, Dublin.
Gerard Morden(sic) (? - ?) was described as a carpenter on the record of the marriage of a son:
- Gerard Morden/Gerald Mordaunt (abt.1831 - 22nd April, 1891), described as a carpenter but on one birth record as working for the Overseas Board of Works. He married Mary Loughlin on 13th April, 1868. His address is constantly recorded as Four Courts, Dublin.
- William John Morden/Mordaunt (8th February, 1870 - 10th February, 1921), his birth registered in Dublin North district. He was described as a carpenter, married to Elizabeth/Lizzie O'Toole (abt. 1867 - 21st July, 1924), born Kingstown. Despite stating he was of full age on the marriage recod, according to his birth record he was only 15 or 16 years-old. At the 1901 census they were living at house 44.1 in Pleasant Street, Fitzwilliam, squashed into 3 rooms, and at the 1911 census were in living at 4 Clanbrassil, Lower East Side, Wood Quay, Dublin, nine in the family squeezed into two rooms. By 1911 they had had 7 children, 5 had survived. The death of an Elizabeth Mordaunt, age given as 55 years was registered in Dublin South district in 1924.
- Alice Mary Mordaunt (30th September, 1886 - ?), born in Dublin city, a tailoress in 1911. Her aunt, Alice Mordaunt, was recorded as being present at her birth two days after delivering her own baby. Was that a slip or is there an unknown Alice? Whichever, she married James Neill on 18th July, 1920. Witness was her sister, Eileen.
- Edward Mordaunt (1888 - 11th January, 1891). He died aged two years three months.
- Elizabeth Susan Mordaunt (b. 28th January, 1891), born in Dublin, also a tailoress, married John Flynn, aged 26 years, on 30th March, 1910. They were living with her parents in the 1911 census.
- Elizabeth Flynn (b. abt. 1910)
- Evelyn/Eva Mordaunt (19th April, 1893), born in Dublin, no employment in 1911. She married John Joseph Farrell in the church of St Kevin's, South Dublin, 17th September, 1916. I am grateful to her granddaughter, Evelyn Corrigan of Monkstown, who kindly wrote in my Guest Book in May 2013, sharing her fond memories of her great aunt Florence and her husband..
- James Mordaunt (9th September, 1895 - 25th April, 1907), is listed in the 1901 census but died before the 1911 census. His death was registered in Dublin South district
- Eileen Rosanna Mordaunt (17th February, 1898 - ?), born in Dublin, at school in 1911. She married Thomas Dunleavy, a tram conductor, in Dublin South on 27th November, 1922. Witness was Florence Mordaunt.
- Maria Florence Mordaunt (3rd November, 1901 - ?). Did she die young or is she the Florence below, with some confusion of age in the 1911 census.
- Florence Mordaunt (b. abt. 1903), born in Dublin, at school in 1911. The marriage of a Florence Mordaunt was registered in Dublin South in 1924.
- Madeline Mary Morden/Mordant (20th March, 1872 - 11th February, 1874). She died under 2 years of age.
- Gerrard Christie Morden (3rd December, 1875 - 19th November, 1876).
There are clearly ties between the family of Gerard above and the family of Edward below. As well as all being carpenters, William, above, and Gerrard, below, both married an O'Toole, surely sisters. William and Elizabeth were witnesses at the wedding of Gerrard and Alice and Alice was a witness at the birth of Elizabeth's first birth only two days after her own. I speculate that the Edward, below, may have been a brother of the second Gerard/Gerrard/Gerald above and that William, above, and Gerrard junior, below, worked together as cousins.
- Edward Mordaunt, a carpenter,of 8 Hamilton Row, married Maria Phelan. His death was recorded as 26th August, 1900. Maria, (b. abt. 1841 - ?), born in Dublin City, was a widow and dressmaker in the 1901 census, occupying two rooms in house 8.3 Hamilton Row, giving her age as 60 years. Curiously she filled in the census form herself as Maira, but signed it at the bottom as Maria. A Maria Mordant (abt. 1836 - ?),was described in the 1911 census as a 75 year-old old pensioner and dressmaker, was living in a sort of bedsit, a single room in a tenement building, at 1.3 Davott's Parade, South Dock.
The death of a Maria Mordaunt (b. abt. 1845), age given as 68 years, was registered in Dublin South district in 1913. She was described as a widow and charwoman.
- Susan Mordaunt (b. before 1863) described as of full age, who married Felix ??, I cannot decypher it, on 27th January, 1884
- Mary Mordaunt (b. before 1866) described as of full age, who married James Duffey on 5th June, 1887 As a witness on her father's death record she was Maria Duffey.
- William Mordaunt (27th July, 1864 - ?) in Dublin
- Gerrard/Gerald Mordaunt, (abt. 1865 - 12th October, 1900) a carpenter, and his wife, Alice O'Toole, (married on 6th March, 1886). Nearly all are missing from the 1901 and 1911 censuses.
- William Joseph Mordaunt (2nd October, 1886 - 5th July, 1918)). He was described in the 1911 census as a carpenter lodging in a massive tenement of 563 rooms in Bride Street, Wood Quay.
- Gerrard Thomas Mordaunt (1st March, 1890 - 5th May, 1891)
- Patrick Mordaunt (b. abt 1892 - 23rd January, 1896)
- Edward Joseph Mordaunt (26th March, 1895 - ?). At the time of his birth the family were living in Lower Rutland Street. Going only by his age, 26 years and three months, at the 1921 U.K. census, held on 19th June, he is the best candidate for the Edward Mordaunt, born in Dublin, married to Gladys Mordaunt, (b. 1895), from Horsham. Sussex, living in Horsham. Of course, this could be yet another of my wild guesses. Curiously, on the registration form giving his age as 26 years 3 months, in the column for Occupation, written in a differnt hand is, "Pensioner-undergoing treatment."
- Winnifred (sic) Mordaunt (age 2 years 11 months), born in Dublin
- William Mordaunt (age 1 year 11 months), born in Horsham
- Joan Mordaunt (age 4 months), born in Horsham
- John Thomas Mordaunt (13th May, 1897 - ?)
- Maria Mordaunt , (18th March, 1867 - ?), written as Morden, in Dublin,
- Margaret Mordaunt (23rd April 1874 - ?) in Dublin,
Eliza Mordaunt and her husband Joseph Grant were the parents of
George Mordaunt (abt, 1866- 20th October, 1889), a labourer, is identified on three records, the baptismal record of son Patrick and the marriage record of daughter Jane and his own deth record.. He had married Esther/Essey Cleary (abt.1858 - 31st May, 1917) from Kildare. After George's death, she was with their children in the 1901 census, squeezed into one room in a house shared with five other families. She was working as a wash woman. The whole family could read but not write. In the 1911 census Esther was living in one room in house no. 3.1 in Keogh's Cottages, Usher's Quay, with her younger daughter, Josephine. She was described as a charwoman on her death record.
- Mary Mordaunt (22nd June, 1879 - 22nd June, 1879) died soon after birth.
- Patrick Mordaunt (19th October 1880 - ?). Curiously, his birth record states that his father was called Patrick!. He was baptised in St James' Church, Dublin, on 24th October, 1880. Sponsors were a Patrick Mordaunt and a Catherine Mordaunt. He was described as a messenger in the 1901 census.
- Kate Mordaunt (b. abt. 1887), born in Dublin city, was working as a room keeper in the 1901 census.
- Josephine Mordaunt (b. about 1891- ?), was at school in the 1901 census. Described as a laundress, she married John Campbell on 18th June, 1918. No family were witnesses.
George Mordaunt (? - ?), a tram driver, was named on his daughter's marriage record
- Mary Mordaunt (b. before 1909), of full age, married Patrick O'Keefe on 1st April, 1930.
George Mordant(sic) (? - ?), a merchant, was named on his daughter's marriage record
- Catherine Mordant(sic) (b. before 1877), of full age, married Patrick Greaves, a farmer on 20th June, 1898.
Charlotte Mordaunt was a sponsor at the baptism of Elizabeth Mary Hughes at Sts Michael and John's, Dublin, in 1894. I have found no other Charlotte in any other Irish or English record to identify her.
Maria Mordaunt married James Duffy of 8 Hamilton Row they had a son:
Margaret Mordant (sic) (abt. 1863 - ?), (née Towsen), born in Co. Dublin and described in the 1901 census as a widow and houskeeper, living with her parents in house 1 in Hacketsland, Killiney. She is presumably the Margaret Mordant ( b. abt. 1861), born in Dublin, a widow, described in the 1911 census as a servant at house no. 122 Greystones Town, Greystones, to Edward Dawson Fry, a commercial agent, Nora, his musician wife, and their one child in a large 12 room house. She was, presumably, the widowedhousekeeper, age given as 80 years when her death was recorded 18th October, 1936.
Edward Mordaunt (abt. 1866 - 1957), a Jesuit lay brother was recorded as born in Dublin in the 1901 census, but I am grateful to a correspondent, EOL, who wrote to inform me he was born in Gorey, Wexford, and so his details have been transferred further down this page to the Wexford section.
William Mordaunt (abt. 1870 - 16th January, 1933), was born in Dublin and in 1901 was a commercial clerk with a mineral water manufacturer. His wife, Jennie/Jane Kinsella (abt. 1884 - ?) was born in County Wicklow. They seem to have married in Dublin North district in 1899. At the 1901 census they were living in house 6 in Drumcondra Road, West Side, Drumcondra; their son Cecil's age was given as 3.5 years but this was presumably 3.5 months! By the 1911 census he was working in Bray, Co. Wicklow, as the secretary of the mineral water company, living at 8, Brennann's Terrace, a substantial ten roomed house. Living with them at both censuses was Jane's widowed mother, Elizabeth Kinsella, (b. abt 1845).
- Cecil Edward Mordaunt (23rd December, 1900 - February 19th, 1911), born in Dublin, died before the 1911 census.
- William Ernest Mordaunt (12th January, 1902 - ?), born in Dublin. He had become a bank manager by the time of his marriage to Elizabeth Mary McAuley in Dublin on 31st March, 1937
- Henry Claud/Harry Mordaunt ( 27th May, 1903 - 15th June, 1928).
- Elizabeth Mary Mordaunt (12th May, 1908 - ?).
- Mary Mordaunt (b. abt. 1909), born in Dublin,
Alice Mordaunt (abt. 1870/71 -29th July, 1916), was, at the 1901 census, already a widow, born in Dublin, with no employment, a visitor at the Spince household at house no. 10.2 in James's Street, Ushers Quay. She was recorded again in the 1911 census as a housekeeper, boarding at 36 Annesley, Mountjoy, Dublin. The death of an Alice Mordaunt, born about 1869, was registered in 1916.
Julia Mordant (sic) (abt. 1867 - 1935?), born in Dublin, unmarried, was, at the 1901 census, running a 13 room boarding house with two cooks and 6 boarders at house 73, Lower Gardiner Street, North Rock. She was missing from the 1911 census. The death of a Julia Mordaunt, unmarried, born about 1865, was registered in Dublin on 4th September, 1935. I note that you were not "retired" at age 70 years then, you had "no occupation."
Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1847 - 9th February, 1912), was recorded in the 1911 census, born in Dublin, a widow, described as a housekeeper and lodging (?) at 6 Drumcondra Road Lower, Drumcondra, Dublin. Her death was recorded in Dublin North when she was described as a clerk's widow. Providing information was a son, identified only by his initial.
- S. (Stephen?) Mordaunt,(? - ?). His address was given as Bray, Co. Wicklow. Were they related to William Mordaunt and his family, just above, who had moved to Bray before the 1911 census?
Patrick Mordaunt (? - ?), described as a labourer, was recorded as the father at the wedding of a daughter.
- Mary Mordaunt (b. before 1888 - ?), described as full age, who married a porter, Matthew Doyle, on 8th March, 1907. Witness was a Margaret Mordaunt who may have been her mother or a sister.
Catherine Mordaunt (abt. 1860 - 1923?), aged 51, born in Dublin, unmarried, no employment , described in the 1911 census as a visitor with no employment at 26 Earl Street, Mountjoy, Dublin, the home/business of Elizabeth Sheridan, grocer and victualler. Presumably she was the Kate, spinster of "independent means," whose death was recorded 7th December, 1923
John Mordaunt (? - ?), a labourer, address given as 23 John Street, Black Pitts, was named in the marriage records of two children.
- John Mordaunt (b. before 1914), of full age, married Mary Healey on December 11th, 1935.
- Margaret Mordaunt (b. before 1917), of full age, married John Corcoran on 6th July, 1938. A Maureen Mordant(sic) signed as a witness
John Mordaunt (? - ?), a labourer, married to Kate Meehan, was named on his daughters' birth records.
John Mordaunt (? - ?), a tester, was named on his daughter's marriage record
- Anne Mordaunt (b. before 1925) married Rupert Brew on September 2nd, 1943. One of the witnesses was a Catherine Mordaunt.
John Mordant(sic) (b. abt 1863 - 27th December, 1904), a labourer and later a miller, married to Mary Murphy, is named on the birth record of his son. His death was recorded as 27th December 1904.
Mary Mordant()sic) (abt. 1824 - 1st March, 1901), described as a 77 year-old widow, working as a housekeeper.
Mary Mordaunt ( b. abt. 1889), born in Dublin, unmarried, described in the 1911 census as a domestic servant to the O'Donnells at 13 De Courcy Square, Glasnevin Ward, Dublin.
Mary Anne Mordaunt (b. abt. 1890), born in Dublin, had, at the 1911 census no employment and was unmarried, living/staying with an uncle and aunt, James and Johana Nolan, at 3 Fitzwilliam Quay, Pembroke East, Dublin.
Edward Mordaunt (b. abt. 1896), aged 15, born in Dublin, described as a street trader, was, at the 1911 census boarding at a "Catholic boys home" at 72 Abbey Street, Middle North City, Dublin.
Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1871 - ), born in Dublin, was, at the 1911 census unmarried, lodging with the Bramble family at 54 Shelbourne Road, Pembroke West, Dublin. I think she could possibly have been the Wexford born Mary Mordaunt (below) who at the 1901 census was working as a cook in Hollybrook Road, Clontarf.
Luke David Mordant (sic) (abt. 1869 - 11th May, 1942), born in Dublin, appears in the 1901 census, mis-transcribed as Tubie!!, described as a "commisssion agent for house rent collecting, living at 34 Harolds Cross Road, Rathmines.. In the 1911 census he was described as "deriving income as householder," was living with his wife, Teresa Elizabeth (abt. 1873 - 13th December, 1946) at house no. 45 in Rock Road, Blackrock.
- George William (b. 1900). The conscientious census collector noted in the 1901 census that the 10 month-old George could not read! The marriage of a George W. Mordaunt was registered in the Dublin South district in 1942.
Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1882 - ?), recorded as born in St. Joseph's, Dublin, was listed in the UK 1901 census as a gunner in the Royal Artillery stationed at a barracks in Dorset. He was serving in Burma and the Andaman Islands threatre in the UK 1911 census. He died in France on 17th October, 1917.
Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1848 - 22nd December, 1916). Whoever she was, her death was registered in Dublin South district in 1916.
George Mordaunt (24th September 1897- 24th October 1942) was a detective garda murdered by IRA gunmen Harry White and Maurice O'Neill at 14, Holly Road, Donnycarney, in Dublin. For probably the best known Irish Mordaunt of the 20th Century it is surprisingly difficult to place him in a family tree. Curiously his death was not officially registered until 1956. According to the Garda website he was married with two children. He married a widow, Catherine Ennis, on 2nd June, 1926 while resident at 23, St. John's Street.. I have not yet traced the children but he did have one son who sadly died aged 3 weeks.
Patrick Mordaunt (? - ?) , a policeman, and his wife Fanny (Frances?) are listed as the parents of
- Mary Gertrude Mordaunt ( 9th July, 1888 - ?) I have, so far, found no other record of them.
Charles Mordaunt (? - ?), a bottle blower, and his wife, Jane Crabbe, are listed as the parents of
- an unnamed Mordaunt ( 30th July, 1896 - ?), a son, who clearly died at birth or soon after in the hospital. I have, so far, found no other record of them.
Catherine Mordant(sic) (b. before 1914 - ?) ,of full age, married dental mechanic Terence Winders on 2nd May, 1935 without naming her father. The space on the record simply states "Nil."
Unplaced (by me) Mordaunts from the deaths registers
The death of an Anne Mordaunt (1845 - 1902) was registered in Rathdown district. I have not traced her in the 1901 census.
The death of a fourteen year-old Bridget Mordaunt (abt. 1925 - 21st February, 1940), daughter of a William Mordaunt, a porter of 23 St John's Street,, was registered in Dublin.
The death of a Catherine Mordaunt (abt. 1883 - 23rd December, 1930) was registered in Dublin North district. She appears to have been in a mental hospital at the time. She eluded both the 1901 and 1911 censuses.
The death of a six month-old baby Denis Mordaunt (abt. 1871 - 26th June, 1871) was registered in Dublin South district. He was, sadly, described only as a "pauper."
The death of an Edward Mordaunt (abt. 1825 - 1895) was registered in Rathdown district.
The death of an Edward Mordaunt (abt. 1840 - 1900) was registered in Dublin South district.
The death of a two year-old Edward Mordaunt (abt. 1875 - 1879) was registered in Dublin South district.
The death of an Edmund Mordaunt (abt. 1831 - 6th August, 1881) was registered in Dublin North district. He was married and described as a grocer's assistant.
The death of an Eliza Mordaunt (abt. 1870 - 19th July, 1922), married to a motor man, was registered in Dublin North district. I have not traced her in the 1901 or 1911 censuses.
The death of an eight year-old Frances Mordant (abt. 1858 - 1866) was registered in the Dublin South district.
The death of a George Mordaunt (abt. 1878 - 7th December, 1969), a former train driver, widower, age given as 91 years, was registered in Dublin.
The death of a Honora Mordaunt (1867 - 26th July, 1902) was registered in Dublin South district. Described as married to a fisherman. A distictive name. I have not traced her in the 1901 census. Was she the Hannah Mordaunt, née, Kirwin. wife of James Mordaunt above. Details of them both match very closely.
The death of a James Mordaunt (abt. 1897 - May, 1920) was registered in Dublin. Possibly he was the son of John Mordaunt and his wife Mary Murphy, above, who moved from Wexford to Dublin.
The death of a John Mordaunt (abt. 1815 - 27th October, 1882) was registered in Dublin South district. He was described as married and a carpenter`
The death of a John Mordaunt (abt. 1863 - 1904) was registered in Dublin South district. I have not traced him in the 1901 census.
The death of a John Mordaunt (about 1892 - 1st August, 1935) was registered in Dublin.. I have not traced him in either the 1901 or 1911 censuses.
The death of a four year-old John Mordaunt (abt. 1897 - 21st July, 1901) was registered in Dublin South district. There is not enough information to trace his family.
The death of a baby Julia Mordaunt (1901 - 1901) was registered in Dublin South district.
The death of a Kate Mordaunt (abt. 1859 - 5th July, 1939). a widow of a tradesman, was registered in Dublin.
The death of a Laurance Mordaunt (abt. 1826 - 1869) was registered in the Dublin South district.
The death of a Margaret Mordaunt (abt. 1831 - 6th December, 1887) was registered in Dublin South district. She was described as a widow, dressmaker.
The death of a Margaret Mordaunt (abt. 1859 - 25th December, 1899), unmarried, a dressmaker, was registered in Dublin South district.
The death of a four year-old Margaret Mordaunt (abt. 1875 - 14th January, 1879) was registered in Dublin South district. She was the daughter of a carpenter but her date of birth does not seem to match Edward and William Joseph above.
The death of a two week-old Margaret Mordaunt (died 8th February, 1934) was registered in Dublin. Her father was identified only as P. Mordaunt, a labourer.
The death of a Maria Mordant (abt. 1842 - 21st August, 1882) was registered in Dublin South. She was described as the widow of a grocer.
The death of a Marie Mordaunt (abt. 1839 - 21st March, 1893) was registered in Rathdown district. She was a 54 year-old widow of a "gentleman." There weren't many of those in the family.
The death of a seven week-old Mary Mordaunt on 7th May, 1938 was registered in Dublin North district.
The death of a Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1848 - 22nd December, 1916). Whoever she was, her death was registered in Dublin South district in 1916.
The death of a Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1849 - 14th November, 1900). Whoever she was, her death was registered in North Dublin in 1900.
The death of a Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1906 - 16th September, 1960), aged 54 years, was recorded in St. Brendan's Hospital, Dublin. Married, living at 22 John Street, Blackpitts. I cannot find the address on Google Maps unless they mean St. John's Street.
The death of a ten year-old boy Michael John Mordaunt (abt 1865 - 15th August, 1875 was registered in South Dublin. Described simply as a son of a grocer. No other family member is named
The death of a Michael Mordant(sic) (abt.1873 - 30th August, 1937), unmarried, working as a shop asssitant. He could be the son of George Mordaunt and Grace Cullen, above, despite an eight year discrepancy of birth year.
The death of a Peter Mordaunt (abt. 1845 - 1869) was registered in Dublin South district.
The death of a Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1851 - 1st April, 1899) was registered in Dublin South district. He was married and described as a clerk.
The death of a Miles Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1857 - 20th September, 1877) was registered in Dublin South district. Described as a grocer, a Margaret Mordaunt was present.
The death of a Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1857 - 26th April, 1908), unmarried, working as a clerk, was registered in Dublin North district.
The death of a Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1860 - 10th(?) October, 1891), was registered in Dublin South district. He was described as married working as a commercial traveller. The informant was a J. Mordaunt, which could have been his wife or another family member.
The death of a four year-old Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1892 - 1889) was registered in Dublin North district.
The death of a Patrick Mordaunt (abt. 1897 - 21st February, 1966), described as a labourer, aged 68, at 22 Stella Gardens, Irishtown, was registered in Dublin. Present had been a daughter
The death of a six-week old boy Paul Mordaunt (died 13th July, 1962) was recorded in St Kevin's Hospital, South Dublin. No details of parents were given.
The death of a Susan Mordaunt (abt. 1800 - 18th October, 1882) was registered in Dublin South district. She was described as the widow of a cabman.
The death of a Susan Mordaunt (abt. 1891 - ? June, 1964), described as married and a housekeeper, I cannot make out the address, was registered in Dublin.
The death of an unnamed prematurely born baby boy on 25th May, 1899 was recorded in Dublin. Simply described as the child of a labourer.
The death of an unnamed 14 day-old baby girl on 23rd January, 1945 was recorded in Dublin. Her father was recorded as a Civil Guard but I have not been able to trace him.
County Kilkenny
Emigrés to America and Canada
- John Mordaunt (abt. 1817 - ?) is recorded in an 1851 census of Canada in Sheffield, Addington County, Canada West (now Ontario?), with his wife, Ann (abt. 1812 - ?).
- Katherine Mordaunt (abt. 1841 - ?) was born in Ireland. In the 1901 Canadian census, a Catherine Mordaunt, unmarried, born 1841, was lodging with the Paul family in Newburg (Village), Addington, Ontario. She was not listed in the 1911 census.
- James Mordaunt (abt. 1843 - ?) was born in Ireland. I am almost certain that he was the James Mordaunt of Irish origin who appeared in the 1880 US census with his 2nd wife Hannah in Spalding, Menominee, MI, and went on to raise a large family who can be tracked on the Mordaunts in America webpage.
- Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1845 - ?) was born in Ireland
- Ann Mordaunt (abt. 1847 - ?) was born in Canada. I am almost certain that she was the Anna Mordaunt (b. abt 1844) of Canadian Irish origin who had married William Navin in upper New York State by 1880, as recorded on the Mordaunts in America webpage.
- Peter Mordaunt (abt. 1849 - ?) was born in Canada. I am almost certain that he was recorded in the 1900 US census as an "inmate" in Rochester State Hospital, Ward 2, Minnesota.
- unnamed Mordaunt (abt. 1850 - ?) a girl, age given 1 year in the census.
None appear in later Canadian censuses
US Census Records
I have used ancestry.com to view US Census and other records. I do not know if the census records are incomplete or if ancestry.com are at fault but there are clearly a lot of gaps.
The 1860 US census shows 12 Mordaunts of whom 5 were born in Ireland:
- John Mordaunt, born about 1828, and Cathrine (sic), his wife, born 1835. Living in New York Ward 21, District 5, New York. They moved about, one daughter was born in Massachusetts in about 1850 and another in New York in 1857.
- Living with them or a very near neighbour in 1850 was Mary Mordaunt, born in Ireland about 1825. Could she have been John's sister
- George Mordaunt, born about 1830, and Ann Mordaunt, his wife, born about 1830. Living in New York Ward 7, District 5, New York. They left for America in their late teens or early twenties because they had children James, born in New York about 1852, and Emma, born in New York about 1854.
The 1870 US census shows:
- George, Ann, James and Emma now living in Brooklyn Ward 19, Kings
- Charles Mordaunt, born about 1830 in Ireland, living in New York Ward 7, District 8 (2nd Enum), New York, and Jane, his wife, also born in Ireland about 1832.
The 1880 US census shows:
- An Unknown Irish Mordaunt emigrated to the US before the birth of two sons recorded in the 1880 census, making him, perhaps, the earliest Irish Mordaunt immigrant in the US. His unknown wife was also Irish.
The sons of these Irish parents were George Mordaunt (abt. 1845 - ?) and John Mordaunt (abt. 1847 - ?), both born in New Jersey and living, in 1880, in Philadelphia, PA. John had an Irish born wife, Catherine (abt. 1850 - ?).
- Patrick Mordaunt, born about 1830 in Ireland, living in Oswego, Oswego, NY and Ann, his wife, also born in Ireland, about 1834. I suspect they reached the US via Canada.
- Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1833 - ?) born in Ireland, was living in Kings, Brooklyn, with his New York born wife Katherine (abt. 1842 - ?) and their three sons and two daughters born between 1864 and 1876. He was working in insurance, according to the 1880 census.
- Peter Mordaunt (abt. 1840 - ?) and his wife Catherine (abt. 1846 - ?), both from Ireland, were living in Trenton, Mercer, NJ, at the time of the 1880 census. He was described as a hod carrier.
- James Mordaunt (abt. 1842 - before 1920?), from Ireland, more than likely the son of the John Mordaunt listed in the Canadian 1851 census, reached Spalding, Menominee, MI, with his English born wife, Hannah Kenny(?) (abt 1846 - before 1900) at the time of the 1880 census via Canada and Illinois. He was described as a labourer and on that work raised a large family.
Recorded elsewhere and not in a census are:
- George Mordaunt (dates unknown) is reported in the www.celticcousins.net webpage on the Chronology of Scott County, Iowa: " March 6, 1877, George Mordaunt arrested for forgery on several parties in Davenport." www.celticcousins.net is a website intended to foster an interest in research of those Irish born persons who went to Iowa. I do not know if this is one of the Georges already listed on this page or whether it is a new one.
- Charles Mordaunt (24th May 1883 - ?) was drafted into the army for WWI in Manhatton where he was a barman. Born in County Wexford, Ireland, he was my great uncle.
- Peter Mordaunt and his wife Margret/Margarite were the parents of
- Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1829 - )
- Helen Mordaunt (abt. 1834 - )
- Peter Mordaunt (abt. 1840 - )
The similarity with the family below is marked but I have no evidence they are the same family.
- Peter Mordaunt (abt. 1805 - ?) crossed to the USA from Liverpool on the Boadecia arriving in New York August 15th, 1849, accompanied by three younger family members, presumably his children
- Mary Mordaunt (abt. 1827 - )
- Catherine Mordaunt (abt. 1831 - )
- Michael Mordaunt (abt. 1836 - )
The similarity with the family above is marked but I have no evidence they are the same family.
Mordaunt visitors to Ireland
Sir Nicholas Mordaunt - a skeleton in the cupboard
Nicholas Mordaunt (? - 1623) is definitely the most interesting of the English Mordaunts who found their way to Ireland. Some years before I learnt of him I was aware of a Mordaunt with a coat of arms in reverse colour - white on black rather than black on white (no two people could have identical coats of arms and so relations had to devise minor alterations) in County Clare in the early 1600s. This coat of arms turned out to be that of Sir Nicholas Mordaunt, onetime Captain Mordaunt and variously Marshal of Thomond, commissioner for Connaught, constable of the Castle of Gann and latterly knight of Carrick in County Clare. His ancestry is vague, appearing in neither the Turvey or Massingham Parva family lists but he certainly led an eventful life even if he is not much loved in Irish memory. He was involved in some very unpleasant events and in this age would be put before the International Criminal Court in The Hague for war crimes, but he was probably no worse than many other of the English governors of the time. At first I was excited that, unpleasant skeleton in the family cupboard though he would have been, he might just have been the ancestor of at least some of the Irish Mordaunts but he appears to be another genealogical dead-end. I have found no record of him leaving a family, quite the opposite there is suggestion of a homosexual proclivity, but he did marry and leave a widow Dame Sara Mordant", whom the "General Armoury of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland," published by Burkes in 1884, identifies as Sarah Stockdale, from Green Hamerton, Yorkshire. For those interested in Irish history his story is worth following as a microcosm of the time and he earns his place also in English literature as the inspiration for "Sir Mortdant" in Spenser's "The Faerie Queene." Edmund Spenser too had served in Ireland and was uncompromising apologist for the ruthless suppression of Irish resistance.
- A suggestion of a relationship with the Mordaunt's of Turvey is made in this volume
- In Dunmore but I suspect the date has been transposed and should read 1585. Near the bottom of a long page.
- A particularly bloodthirsty reference about a third down the page.
- The unpleasantness continues in Limerick and Spanish Point both, again, near the bottom of long pages.
- Most illuminative is Irish Names in The Faerie Queen, (section 4, starting page 31), which a kind library subscribing to Jstor forwarded to me in pdf format. Use the Glossary in the index list on the left of this page for the definitions of some archaic terms.
- Created a knight on 1st July, 1604.
- Finally his death is recorded - well, there was a link here but the URL has clearly been changed and I cannot now find it! It is so annoying when this happens.
Sophia Mordaunt - 3rd daughter of John Mordaunt, Viscount Avalon
- Sophia Mordaunt married James Hamilton of Bangor, Ireland. They had no surviving sons. Their daughter Ann had a fine memorial to them erected in Bangor Abbey under the terms of her Will.
- Cary Eleanor Hamilton (? - 1725), was buried in All Saints Church, Fulham
- Ann Hamilton (? - 1st May 1760) was to inherit the family seat. She married Michael Ward, Esq, who was to become a Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland. She died in Dublin.
Anne Mordaunt - 4th daughter of John Mordaunt, Viscount Avalon
- Anne Mordaunt married James Hamilton of Tullamore, Ireland. He was presumably the member of the Council for the North East (Derry and Inniskillen) appointed for the "protection" of Protestants in January 1689.
- James Hamilton (? - 1758), later Viscount Limerick and Earl of Clanbrassil.
Charles Mordaunt - later Sir Charles Mordaunt, 8th Baronet
- Charles Mordaunt, the future 8th baronet, was 27 years old at the outbreak of the 1798 rebellion. He was among the among the troops rushed over from Britain, with the Warwickshire militia regiment, less some 200 recusant refusers who were permitted to remain behind in Liverpool. The regiment was fresh from dealing with the Nore mutiny, 1797. They arrived in Dublin on 30th June, too late to play any part in the fighting but in time to view some of the causes of the outbreak. In letters home he wrote "I never saw such misery as appears in the lower orders. It has been observed by some one, that until he saw the Beggars of Dublin he never knew where the Beggers of London sent their old clothes" and "Whatever may be the views of the Leaders; whether religious animosity, a wish to subvert the form of government, or mere opposition to persons in power actuates them, yet the mass of their followers are certainly led by one view only, a wish to change their miserable order at any rate - and while the lower orders are so cruelly oppressed, & there is no one between the prince and the beggar, this country can never be blessed with happiness or content." His letters from Ireland are full of such perspicacity. Charles returned to England the following year. He became an MP at Westminster in 1805 and became Sir Charles in 1806 but, never in good health, he died in 1823, aged 52.
Henry Mordaunt - soldier
- Henry Mordaunt was a captain in the "Royal Engineer Corps" who, with his wife Elizabeth, had their daughter
Anna Maria Theresa Mordaunt (? - ?) baptised on 14th September 1817 in a Church of Ireland church in Kilnaughtin, County Kerry.
I have not been able to identify this family anywhere else in the British Isles.
Thomas Mordaunt - Dentist
- Thomas Mordaunt (abt. 1874 - 1943?) was the grandson of George Mordaunt (abt 1800 - 1875) who left Gorey, Wexford, and made his fortune as an art dealer in Sheffield, Yorkshire. Thomas is recorded in the 1901 census working as a dentist Nenagh, Tipperary, but he had returned to England by 1908.